Saturday, September 30, 2017

It is the last September day and the Game Club has renewed its work!
The Clubers were totally occupied by Alias.

30.09.2017. The last day of September was full of work and studying, because the leader of the English Club was Alex Erwick and he prepared a presentation of the most frequently made mistakes in the English language.
The meeting was accompanied by Ivan Teslenko's guitar music.

28.09.2017. Anastasiya B. was the leader of the English Club and as the main topic for dicussion she chose "Comfort Zone" and prepared a crossword for the clubers.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

26 вересня в центрі "Вікно в Америку" відбулася цікава подія - вчителі англійської мови м. Вінниці взяли участь у скайп-зустрічі з викладачем-новатором із США John Seigel Boettner, основоположником журналістського проекту для учнів середньої та старшої школи Teen Press. Вінницькі педагоги познайомилися з досвідом американського колеги, поспілкувалися в невимушеній атмосфері, а також отримали запрошення до подальшої співпраці.

25.09.2017. На останньому занятті Клубу вивчення англійської мови для початківців модератор Катерина С. розповіла про особливості утворення множини іменників в англійській мові.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

What is artificial intelligence (AI) ? What can be said about robots and new technologies? These and many other questions were discussed during English Club with Serhii F. on Saturday 23d in the WOA Center. Also the clubers had a contest and the creators of the best ideas got prizes.

20.09.2017. During the English Club for advanced level with John M. the students reviewed Northamerican idioms, played Domino Game of words, learned the usage of "WH" Questions to build conversation, discussed topic "Philosophy", listened to Elton John's "Tiny Dancer" and Beatles' "All You Need Is Love".
Next meeting is on October 4th at 17.30.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

The 6th of September was Speacking club with John M. for advanced level. The main grammar topic was: Commendy Confused Words, Forming Questions, Business Idioms, North American Idioms and American Slang Terms.The discussion topic was "What is Creativity?". The club ended with song by Dan Fogelburg "Same Auid Larg Syne"