Thursday, February 2, 2012

Groundhog Day Celebration

Fun Fact of the Day: “The first official Groundhog day was on February 2, 1887” ( Brief summary, questions, and answers about Groundhog Day history!
Have you ever heard or even celebrated such a day as Groundhog Day? Anyway, let's have a discussion. Perhaps, you know more about it than we do. 
1. What is a groundhog? What do you think about this holiday? Do you think that animals can really serve as indicators of things such as the weather? Is it possible to believe that if this groundhog “sees its shadow” there will be 6 more weeks or winter and if he doesn’t spring will come early? If not, why is this an important holiday?
2. How can this holiday have an effect on people across the United States and Canada? Do you think that people would make different plans based on the prospects of a long winter or early spring? How does weather affect us?
3. The groundhog only has an accuracy rate of 39%. With such small success, why would people continue to believe in this tradition and participate in this ceremony every year? What causes certain customs and  traditions to last, despite their inaccuracy or irrelevance at times? Can you think of any other “outdated” celebrations?
4. Are there similar traditions here in Ukraine? What are some examples of holidays that originated from folklore? Do you celebrate these holidays? Do you believe in them strongly or sometimes question their validity or purpose?
5. A 1993 film, “Groundhog Day,” followed the life of one man who lived this day repeatedly until he “got it right.” If you could live a single day over again, what would it be and what would you do differently? Do you believe in “second chances”?
Schedule: Talk about Skype Conferences!
Saturday 04 February at 10:30
Thursday 09 February at 5:30- Special Skype Conference on “National Parks.”

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