Thursday, February 13, 2014

Справжні дебати замість запланованої дискусії

Вінницька ОУНБ ім. К.А. Тімірязєва, Інформаційний Центр "Вікно в Америку", 13 лютого 2014 р.Цього разу учасники Клубу спілкування англійською мовою з волонтерами обговорювали переваги та недоліки функціонування прозорих офісів в Україні, пілотний проект, який діє у нашому місті. Серед ключових питань була також програма "Стратегія розвитку 2020" та м. Вінниця - найкраще місто в Україні". Відбулись справжні дебати замість запланованої дискусії. Завершилась зустріч тим, що присутні ділились своїми думками, щоб вони змінили у місті і які інновації варто запровадити, щоб наше місто було європейським, у якому б вони почували себе комфортно і забезпеченими #libdayUA

English Club
February 13, 2014
Leader: Mykhailo G.

Vinnytsia is a Comfortable City to Live in. “A Transparent Office" and the Strategy of Development “Vinnytsia-2020”

Fact of the Day: “Governance must benefit the people, not the authorities” - a principle that always works.

1. The motto of Vinnytsia is «A strong community is for everyone». Do you support this motto? What is your personal motto?

2.    Last year Vinnytsia was recognized as the most comfortable city in Ukraine to live in. The Focus magazine evaluated cities on 14 various criteria in an annual «Rating of 50 Best Cities to live in Ukraine» (a level of business activity, migration, a rate of population growth, ecology). Do you consider that Vinnytsia really differs from other cities?

3. The Centre of Administrative Services "A Transparent Office" in Vinnytsia works on the principle of ‘a single window’ and has really transparent glass walls and an electronic document management system. Do you consider that a city governance system (including an official city website), advanced services provided by "A Transparent Office" are affordable, efficient and transparent? Do this format of interaction between a community and city authorities can help to combat a corruption?

4. According to the Strategy of Development «Vinnytsia-2020» in 2020 Vinnytsia has to become a city of ‘smiling people’. A brand of Vinnytsia will be ‘SMILE’. In fact, the abbreviation ‘SMILE’ has signs of what Vinnytsia aspires to be. ‘SMILE’ city means:
Strong community - to participate in development of a strong and active community.
Modern City - to be active in a modern City with a high quality infrastructure.
Interesting City - to live in interesting City, comfortable and convenient.
Liveable City - to feel welfare of liveable City with quality health and social services.
Energetic City - to use energy of the City with economic prosperity
Do you support this concept? What spheres of a city life should be achieved or renewed in the nearest future?

5. Please, fulfill the form below and share your proposals and ideas on the Strategy «Vinnytsia-2020»
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  6. Are you a visitor of «Young pensioner club» at «A Transparent Office» in 30, Kosmonavtiv Sstr.? Are you caring about your future pension? What kinds of a retirement insurance do you know?
Schedule: February 15, 2014 at 10.30 am – Oleksandr Kapitan
                  February 20, 2014 at 5.30 pm – Sophia Melnyk
a blog -
The Center for Administrative Services "A Transparent Office" - a working body of the executive committee of the City Council which provides administrative services through reception by its interaction with the subjects of administrative services.

General principles of the Center members:
1. An access to services for all individuals and entities;
2. Standards of a service provision;
3. Reasonable fees for services legislation;
4. Openness and transparency;
5.  A clarity of procedures;
6. An effective resolution of issues;
7. Provision of access of applications to information on, progress and results of their consideration of applications.
To determine and ensure the standards of comfortable livings for residents
A comfortable staying for guests
Comfortable conditions for having business
Realization of social and cultural affords

Ten priorities to effectively utilized all resources to achieve these objectives:

  1. Vinnytsia is a modern regional center
  2. A new economic basis for a city progress
  3. Advanced Governance System
  4. a comfortable and Interesting City
  5. A modern city life support System
  6. High-quality public services
  7. A child friendly city (a level of a health and an education, a safety, a social protection)
  8. Strong Community that takes care about everyone
  9. Adequate Health Care
  10. A bright and diverse cultural life


1. To convert Vinnytsia in powerfull administrative center; 2. to create a business logistic cultural and educational regional center which will have a leading position among the cities of Central Ukraine. 3. to achieve an economic self-sufficiency for Vinnytsia and modern, properly rewarded employment opportunities for city residents. 

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