Quotations of the Day: «When I look at the mirror, I see how strong I’ve become, the lessons I’ve learned and I am proud of who I am». (2) «Never be afraid of being yourself, rather be afraid of being someone else».
1. Can you find any analogy to a mirror reflection, to its main function or destination (like an Examiner, a Regulator, a Motivator, a Hidden camera, an Image maker, a Gossiper, Yellow Press, a Tense Reliever, a measure for cementing our Self-Esteem, etc.)?
2. Have you ever met a person who ‘reflects’ your personality like a mirror? Do we need to have such a mirror-man? Do you like when somebody points out your faults and tries to make you better?
3. Have you ever been in social settings feeling that you are not yourself? Are you ready to change just to please people who can’t accept you as you are?
4. Does ‘being yourself’ mean to be honest, expressing your true thoughts and feelings, without the fear of being judged? Does it bring only inconveniences? Does your choice to be yourself is the same as to be liberated or happy?
5. Do masks that we wear consciously or subconsciously, of varied shapes and colors project our certain visual image to the world? Is this image always constructive and harmless? Can having a look at yourself from the other side bring a better understanding of who we are, our faults and inadequacies?
The term Self-Esteem is used in psychology to reflect a person’s overall emotional evaluation of his or her own worth. It is a judgment of oneself as well as I aт attitude toward the self.
6. What is the common in the following definitions ‘Self-Esteem’ and ‘Self-Respect’, ‘Self-Worth’, ‘Self-Confidence’ and ‘Self-Acceptance’?
7. What is the most precious for you: how you admire yourself or how others admire you? Does a positive self-esteem make us emotionally and mentally healthy and resilient? Doesn’t it allow suppress our emotions?
8. Do you agree with Dr. Nathaniel Brandon who said «Self-Esteem means confidence in our ability to cope with the challenges of life and being worth of happiness, it means not to be in war with yourself or with others, to live with congruence between what we know, what we profess, what we do, manifesting our professed values in action»? What is your attitude to the following words «Treat a body like a temple»?
Schedule: Saturday, June 14, 2014 – Dima Kushnir – at 10.30 am.