Tuesday, May 31, 2016

A Skype Discussion with Mikael L. on Music Differences

English Club, May 28, 2016 -Mikael L., Sweden
We had a very interesting discussion about music and the meaning of music to us as individuals and to our society and culture. We said that music can unite people within a country and that cultural differences can be highlighted by the different music that people from different cultures listen to. At the same time, we also noted that music can used to break down international barriers and unite people across borders, thereby showing that there is more that ties us together as human beings than that separates us by our different cultures. We concluded that music is a powerful tool to influence the mood and spirit of people, and it is up to us how we use it.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Ми долучились до спроби побити рекорд Гіннеса

28 травня 2016 р. Вінницька ОУНБ ім. К.А. Тімірязєва (Інформаційний Центр "Вікно в Америку") взяла участь у англомовному уроці "Найбільший мовний урок у Світі", щоб побити світовий рекорд Гіннеса. Ми змогли долучитися до прямого ефіру в Інтернеті, що проводився з головного та найбільшого в країні місця зустрічі - зі Львова. Таки урок вийшов інтерактивним, і кожен зміг долучитися до спільної справи. Тільки можна уявити, що подібний урок, наймасштабніший у світі, проводився у кожному куточку України. 
Дякуємо УСІМ учасникам і організаторам, які долучились до спільної справи, усім тим, хто був задіяний до проведення уроку. Дякуємо за ваше бажання підтримати і ентузіазм. У нас це вийшло. Тепер сподіваємось, що українцям вдасться побити світовий рекорд "Найбільший мовний урок у Світі". 
Таки Україна говорить англійською!

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

24 травня 2016 р. працівник Інформаційного Центру "Вікно в Америку" Анюта Криворука познайомила учнів Вінницької ЗОШ #26 з послугами сектору. Найбільше учні зацікавились 3D технологіями, можливостями вивчати англійську.

English Club on 'Challenges': how to face them and overcome

English Club with Ihor S. on "Challenges"May 21, 2016

Have you ever experienced challenges in your life? How to face challenges and to overcome them... These key ideas were main points to discuss. Everyone had those times when he/she felt lost and had no idea how to keep moving forward. We developed a mindset that could help us in overcoming challenges. The moderator Ihor S. shared his experience how to go throuhg struggle and how to build an unstoppable mindset. In fact, the participants of the session came to conclusion that the ability to overcome challenges needs to be worked out. It gives you confidence to face any challenge life throws your way.

At the end of the meeting Ihor S. introduced a quiz on possible changes of the university functioning he worked at. He was given advice how to overcome adversity. The next session of the English Club will be held on May 26, 2016 at 5.30 pm.

We support the Year of English in Ukraine.


English Club "Discovery" with Yuliia K.
May 24, 2016 - 
It was a chance to speak about Memorial Day, the roots of this U.S. national holiday and its background. We watched videos analyzing them and sharing more about the celebration. The key words of this discussion were 'honour', 'sacrifice', 'soldiers', and others that express devotion to the country. The moderator of this activity Yuliia K. introduced some grammar points - 'to be going to...' making New Year resolutions (yep, in the middle of spring time). Anyway, we spoke, discussed, and did a lot of exercises. And more... We learned to make pancakes ... with a lemon and sugar... tossing pancakes and dreaming about a pancake fair. 

A Discussion about 'Music and Global Culture' with Mikael L. (Sweden) and Mikke M. (Kenya) at Vinnytsia WOA Center (Ukraine).

Globally music is being used by different people and races according to their culture and believes. In some religions we have ones that don’t promote music that has instruments while others believe music sounds good with instruments. All this is according to their culture and believes. In African culture music plays a big role among its people. We might be joined by Mikke Mzeyya over Skype, who is a musician, journalist and blogger in Kibera, one of the largest urban informal settlements in Africa, located in Nairobi, Kenya.
When: May 28, 2016 at 10.30 am.
Where: Vinnytsia Window on America Center, Vinnytsia RUR Library named after K.A. Timiriazev.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Effortless English

May 24, 2016 - 
You are invited to participate in the English Club on Memorial Day. We'll discuss a little bit about the meaning of this celebration, its historical background and roots.
Take a look at the holiday marking the official beginning of summer and America's most solemn ocassion. 
Level: Pre-Intermediate. 
When: May 24, 2016 at 5.30 pm.
Where: Information Center "Window on America", Vinnytsia RUR Library named after K.A. Timiriazev.
Moderator: Yuliia K.
26 травня 2016 р. о 17.30 в Інформаційно-ресурсному центрі "Вікно в Америку" відбудеться дискусія на тему "Страхи".
Почуття страху знайоме кожній людині, в більшій чи меншій мірі. Для когось він стає постійним супутником, перероджуючись в приховані страхи і фобії. Запрошуємо усіх бажаючих на зустріч поділитись досвідом, як побороти страх. Сподіваємось, що комусь Ваш досвід стане у нагоді.
Your annual dental checkup can be your fear. Almost everyone has an irrational fear or two. These fears can cause tremendous anxiety and interfere with your normal life. The good news is that fears can be managed and cured. Do you know any self-help strategies and therapy that can help you overcome your fears? 
You are invited for a discussion on "Fears" to share your ideas how to start living the life you want.
When: May 26, 2016 at 5.30 pm.
Where: Information Center "Window on America" Center in Vinnytsia, Vinnytsia RUR Library named after K.A. Timiriazev, 70 Soborna.
Tel.: (0432) 56-27-44.
Moderator: Natalia Maslavchuk.


Коли? Де? Як?
28 травня 2016 року о 13:00 українці спробують побити світовий рекорд "Найбільший мовний урок у Світі". Що це значить? По всій країні одночасно відбуватиметься інтерактивний урок англійської мови у формі розмовного клубу, який буде транслюватися у прямому ефірі в Інтернеті з головного та найбільшого в країні місця зустрічі - зі Львова.
Щоб побити рекорд, необхідно зібрати 9000 учасників.
Саме ти нам дуже потрібен!
Урок почнеться о 13:00, 28 травня 2016 року
Збираємось о 12:30 в Інформаційно-ресурсному центрі "Вікно в Америку".
Кожен може взяти участь і приєднатись до події! Тобі не потрібно вже вміти розмовляти англійською, тобі потрібно лише бажання її вчити! Ти можеш приєднатись до вже існуючої групи учасників у своєму місті, або ж заснувати свою!
Ти матимеш змогу виграти чудові призи в одній з номінацій:
- найстарший учасник
- наймолодший учасник
- найкраще фото
- найкреативніше використання лого проекту "Україна Speaking"
- найбільш незвичне місце проведення
- найбільше місце зустрічі за межами Львова.
Щоб взяти участь у розіграші подарунків:
- зробити фото за 15 хв до або після початку наймасштабнішого уроку
- завантажити фото на свою сторінку в соціальних мережах Вконтакті або Facebook додати хэштег #UAspeakingEnglish та посилання на нашу сторінку Україна Speaking

American Movie Time with Serhii F.

May 21, 2016 - 
American Movie Time with Serhii F.
The participants of Movie Time watched the American-German historical legal thriller film directed by Steven Spielberg from a screenplay written by Matt Charman. It is 'Bridge of Spies' based on the 1960 U-2 incident during the Cold War. The film tells the story of lawyer James B. Donovan, who is entrusted with negotiating the release of Francis Gary Powers—a pilot whose U-2 spy plane was shot down over the Soviet Union—in exchange for Rudolf Abel, a captive and convicted Soviet KGB spy held under the custody of the United States, whom he represented at trial. 
The name of the film refers to the Glienicke Bridge, which connects Potsdam with Berlin, where the spy exchange took placeDuring the Cold War, an American lawyer is recruited to defend an arrested Soviet spy in court, and then help the CIA facilitate an exchange of the spy for the Soviet captured American U2 spy plane pilot, Francis Gary Powers.
The moderator of this movie session led a quiz on the film. The prizes have been provided by the Embassy of the U.S. in Ukraine.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

May 16, 2016 - 
This discussion was unsual as we spoke a lot about birds, their distinct songs and calls, bright colors, and showy displays that could add enjoyment to our lives. You can think it is quite common. It is the world of wonders that offers easy opportunities to observe diverse plumage and behaviors of birds.
A moderator of the session Serhii Fedosiev made a presentation 
on the Importance of Birds developing our 
observation skills. 

English Club "From A to Z" with Kate S.

May 16, 2016 -
It is a chance to speak about mothers and Mother's Day, its historical backround and a person who created this celebration, a president and his poroclamation of the holiday, and more. We practice Grammar and try to express our thoughts in English clearly. 
A moderator of this English Club "From A to Z" is Kate S. 

English Club with FLEX alumna

Maryna Tuzhanska lead a speaking prompt about shopping. The audience had a chance to learn and practice the most useful expressions, get acquainted with interesting idioms that relate to shopping, engage in a discussion of different shopping habits that men and women have, debate about the safety of online purchases and share their experiences of visiting different types of shops and making planned or impulse buys.

Sunday, May 8, 2016


Everyone is invited to take part in a quick writing contest.
To do so, write a short essay (up to 500 words) entitled "My Lazy Way to Success"

The essay should:
- Be written in clear, understandable English
- Be creative, surprising, and inspiring
- Describe how you achieved some success with little or no effort

Please, send your essays to @svetophil (Dima Kushnir)
The deadline is Wednesday, May 11, 19:27
The prizes for the winners will be available at the English Club at Window on Americaa Center on Thursday, May 12.

Movie Time Contest

Movie Time Contest
Victor K. became a winner of this Movie Time Competition. He was presented a dictionary showing his competence and attention while watching the movie.
This contest was held in frames of the Year of English in Ukraine. Awards have been provided by the Embassy of America in Kyiv.

Movie Night with Serhii Fedosiev

May 7, 2016 -
The participants of this Movie Night enjoyed the American-German historical legal thriller film directed by Steven Spielberg from a screenplay written by Matt Charman, Ethan Coen, and Joel Coen. The film stars Tom Hanks. No doubt, it is the 'Bridge of Spies'. 
The film tells the story of lawyer James B. Donovan, who is entrusted with negotiating the release of Francis Gary Powers—a pilot whose U-2 spy plane was shot down over the Soviet Union—in exchange for Rudolf Abel, a captive and convicted Soviet KGB spy held under the custody of the United States, whom he represented at trial. The name of the film refers to the Glienicke Bridge, which connects Potsdam with Berlin, where the spy exchange took place.
Bridge of Spies was shot under the working title of St. James Place. Principal photography began on September 8, 2014, in Brooklyn, New York City, and the production proceeded at Babelsberg Studios in Potsdam. 

A Discussion "What Makes Us Lazy?"

May 7, 2016 - 
On May 7 the English Club discussed the intricacies of laziness in our lives. What makes us lazy? Should we fight laziness or rather partner with it and try to harness its secret powers? Is hard work necessary to achieve success in the first place?

The discussion included the ideas of modern-day educators, as well as some 150-year-old military wisdom.

As the proverb goes, practice is the best instructor, therefore the most audacious of us took part in a small practical experiment. In a while we'll see, if some of our secret desires can indeed come true without any effort at all.

P.S. If you are willing to share your own lazy success stories, feel free to take part in our quick writing contest.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

A Workshop on Corrective Feedback with Thaddeus McCleary

Mark this date in your calendar and join us for a workshop on 'Corrective Feedback' with English Language Fellow, U.S. Department of State Thaddeus McCleary who has a great experience in the classroom. 
Corrective feedback is a frequent aspect of teacher-student and peer communication in a language classroom. Beliefs and feelings about the importance and best methods for providing corrective feedback are often based upon (educational) culture and personality. This workshop gives examples of corrective feedback styles and perspectives from linguistics and second language acquisition. You will be able to discuss your views with others, leading to a greater awareness of this aspect of language teaching.
If you have some ideas and tips for making corrective feedback effective for learners, please, share with us.
When: May 11, 2016 at 5.00 pm.
Where: Information Center "Window on America", Vinnytsia RUR Library named after K.A. Timiriazev, 70 Soborna. Tel.: 562-744.

English Club's Discussion on 'Repentance' with Inna K. and Vika G.

May 5, 2016 -

Repentance in our lives can make us stronger or weaker. Sometimes when we are too much sure in one's action, we have to remember that there are lots of outer or inner factors that can ruin our plans. Titanic builders were extremely sure in unsinkable ship, they told that even God Himself can't sink her (the ship). However, they have made many mistakes during building and preparing for a voyage that tend her to distruction. For example, they used lower quality metal instead of better one. They did not take enough safety boats and SOS rockets. They used radion for sending private messages instead of receiving signals from the beach guards, etc. This story by a captain of the ship Samson Hendrick Haess brightly shows us the 50 years repentance life and its results. 

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Запрошуємо усіх бажаючих на дискусійний клуб на тему Repentance, про події, що сталися 104 роки тому. Ми обговорюватиме одну подію, що трапилась паралельно із Титаніком і на її основі поговоримо про сумління, перебільшену впевненість в собі, розкаяння, тощо.
Вважаєте, що ця тема саме для Вас, тоді запрошуємо на обговорення, що відбудеться в Інформаційно-ресурсному Центрі "Вікно в Америку", що діє при Вінницькій ОУНБ ім. К.А. Тімірязєва. 
Коли: 05.05.2016 р. о 17.30.
Де: Центр "Вікно в Америку", 2 поверх, Вінницька ОУНБ ім.К.А. Тімірязєва.

May English Club

What do you think about laziness? Are you too lazy to even think about it?
This time there's a reason to make an exception: you're invited to discuss and share successful practices of your lazy way to success with Dima K. and other club members. Sure enough, many of us are experts in this field.
Where: Vinnytsia WoA Center, Vinnytsia RUR Library named after K.A. Timiriazev.
When: Saturday, May 7, 2016 @ 10.30 am

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

American English Webinars

The American English Team is pleased to offer American English Webinar Series 3. The 6 online seminars of the course cover a variety of topics and are intended for teachers of English or future teachers of English around the world. Participants who attend 4 out of the 6 webinars will receive e-certificates. Participants are encouraged to join the associated Ning (http://americanenglishwebinars.com) to participate in discussions, view or download video and other materials from the sessions, and access recordings of the webinars. The series will take place from May 4 to July 13, 2016. Each 60-minute webinar will be held every other Wednesday at 8:00 a.m. or 1:00 p.m. in Washington, D.C. (check http://timeanddate.comfor the time in your region). Please Note! You must register to participate in this webinar series. To take part in the webinars, please register here:http://bit.ly/AEWebinarSeries3 **A few days before each webinar, you will receive a reminder email with the link to the webinar from americanenglishwebinars@elprograms.org. Your computer must have Adobe Flash Player, which comes pre-installed on most computers worldwide. If prompted to do so, you may download the free player athttp://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/
May 4, 2016"Hey, Kids! Let's Put on a Show!" Theater in the English Language Classroom Presenter: Danielle CaprettiWebinar Description: This webinar focuses on how to use theater in the classroom--from developing short, theater-based activities to putting on a student show. Danielle will answer key questions, such as: 1) How do I choose a dramatic text for my students?2) What language activities could I do with that text?3) How do I cast and direct a student show? By the end of the workshop, you will have an enhanced understanding of using both small- andlarge-scale theater projects in your classroom. Ultimately, the process requires aninterdisciplinary approach--combining language work, theater performance and culture studies.Presenter Bio: Danielle has lived and worked in thirteen countries. In each of these countries, she has beenactive as an actress, director, dancer and choreographer. Danielle has also put on full-lengthproductions with EFL students throughout Europe. In Albania, she led a play reading group atthe American Corner in Tirana for 2 years. Additionally, Danielle has trained teachers in usingtheater in the classroom in Hungary, Ukraine, Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Italy. May 18, 2016“Using Songs to Teach English” Presenter: Kristin Lems Webinar Description:Almost everybody in the world loves music! Our students love music, and we do too. There areso many ways that songs and music can help create a classroom that is happy, interactive, andintellectually challenging. This webinar will share a few of the best techniques. No musical talentnecessary!Presenter Bio: Dr. Kristin Lems lives in Chicago and teaches ESL and Bilingual Education at National LouisUniversity. She has a doctorate in Reading and Language, and a Masters in Teaching English asa Second Language from the University of Illinois.Kristin was a Fulbright Scholarships in both Algeria and Mongolia and was also a Specialist inChile. She has presented her highly successful institute about using music to teach ESL atInternational TESOL for the past ten years. Kristin loves sharing her enthusiasm about music andlanguages whenever possible as a teacher, teacher trainer, and folk singer!