On March 9 2011 it was a discussion of a topic “Senior Citizens in the United States and in Ukraine” at Vinnytsia Information Center “Window on America”.
The participants of this Discovery Club's meeting had the opportunity to speak about senior centers and a common retirement age in the United States, to share their experience about seniors' lifestyles (a behavior, an entertainment, a leisure, habits, a healthy way of life, sport, etc.) taking into consideration activities that senior citizens would not normally do in Ukraine but do in the USA.
The users of the Center made the presentation of seniors in the USA reviewing the culture nugget informing about senior centers of Boston.
There were students of Pedagogical College, a social worker and students of the secondary schools.
Prep&Preview1.Think about seniors, or older adults, in your country. Write down five ways that a person's age may affect his or her actions. For example, in many countries, senior citizens would never go to a disco, just because of their age. They might not swim, or wear blue jeans, for example, just because of their age. (This question is not about activities connected to health limitations of older people.)
a. _____________________________________
c. _____________________________________
d. _____________________________________
e. _____________________________________
2.When you are 70, is there anything that you will not do, just because of your age? If so, what is it, and why won't you do it? (Let's assume you're in good health.)
3.In your opinion, at what age does "old age" start?
In the United States, a common retirement age is 65. At age 65, retirement used to be mandatory (обязательный) in the U.S., but now there is no age limit for retirement. However, it is at 65 that people can receive their full social security benefits. What is the retirement age in your country?
In your group, do you know senior citizens in the U.S.? If so, have you seen anything in their lifestyles that you probably would not see in seniors' lifestyles in your country? Share your thoughts with your group.
The Activity
Read the list in table 5. Now think about the behavior in your country. In just one afternoon of your daily life in your country, do you think you could find a senior who was doing this activity? Write "yes" or "no" in the first column.
Your country?
The U.S./Where/When
Chewing gum
Wearing blue jeans
Riding a bicycle
Wearing makeup
Drinking Coke or any soda
Playing baseball
Fighting/yelling in public
Wearing a miniskirt
Speeding in a car
Playing Frisbee, hacky sack, or other park sports
Frisbee - (поширена назва пластикових літаючих дисків діаметром 20-25 сантиметрів, із загнутими краями. Зроблені диски таким чином, щоб аеродинамічно летіти, коли їх кидають і ловлять.
Hack sack - The classic hacky sack circle consists of two or more players that keep the footbag off the ground without using their hands.
Tanning at the beach (засмагати на пляжі)
Jaywalking (порушення правил переходу вулиці)
Shouting at a ball game
Holding hands in public
Going on a date
Give your examples.
After the Activity
1.In large groups, discuss the observations you made during this activity.
2.Are you surprised by any of these observations? If so, which ones, and why?
3.Read your list of five activities that senior citizens would not normally do in your country (in question I in the previous activity).
4. When you are 70, is there anything that you will not do, just because of your age? If so, what is it, and why won't you do it? (Assume you're in good health.) (You already answered this question before, but answer it again here).
5.Do you think older people are respected more or less in the United States than in your country?
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