Thursday, January 31, 2013

We Discuss a New Topic Today: Law and Crime

Topic: Law and Crime
Fun Fact of the Day: “1st President, George Washington was the only one to receive 100 percent of the electoral vote, which he did twice” (
*Disclaimer*: Today’s club is meant to be an active and interesting discussion. Please refrain from discussing specific political matters and direct political examples related to this topic.
1. What is “law”? How is law different than “justice”? In what different contexts do you hear the word justice? Who are “just” people? How do they play a part in our daily lives? Similarly, how does law affect us everyday?
2. When was law created and what was its main purpose? Do you think that laws today are similar too original laws? How are laws related to “punishment”? Do you think that punishment is a direct measure of law? Do you consider certain punishments as too serious? For example, what is your opinion about life-in-prison vs. the death penalty?
3. Do you think that criminals are more often unintelligent and easily caught, or can they be smart enough to know the justice system and avoid punishment? Do you think of such “smart” criminals differently than those who commit “crimes of passion” or otherwise unplanned crimes (in the moment)? 
4. What is your opinion about firearms? Do you think that people should have a right to possess weapons or do you think this should be limited to law enforcement personnel? What benefits and problems result from weapons possession? 
5. How can you best protect yourself from crime? Do you think that crime is a problem in Vinnitsa? If so, what do you think are the most common crimes and how can you make sure that you are not a victim of such actions? Has anyone ever “pick-pocketed” you, for example? How did you solve the situation?
6. On a lighter note, have you heard of any funny or somewhat ridiculous laws that exist here or anywhere around the world? Are there any laws that were written long ago that you think should be eliminated? (For example: In the U.S., “It’s strictly prohibited to pronounce ‘Arkansas’ incorrectly;” “Those under 21 can drink legally, but they must be enrolled in a culinary program to do so;” “It’s unlawful to let a dog pursue a bear or bobcat at any time;” “You may only throw a Frisbee at the beach in Los Angeles County, CA with the lifeguard’s permission”, etc.). 
Schedule: Please put topic ideas in the Suggestion Box!
Saturday, 02 February at 10:30
Thursday, 07 February at 5:30

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Study in the USA: Wentworth Institute of Technology – NEW!

Friday, February 1, 2013
07:30am EDT (12:30 UTC / 18:30 Astana)
Description: Learn about how you can study in the USA as an international student! Join a live webchat with academic advisers and admissions officers from American colleges and universities. Hui Cheng, International Admission Counselor at the Wentworth Institute of Technology, will give a presentation and answer your questions online.
Format: This program will be a video webchat in English. Please click on the URL above and enter the room as a ‘Guest’ to participate.
Study in the USA: University of Colorado Boulder – NEW!
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
07:00am EDT (12:00 UTC / 18:00 Astana)
Description: Learn about how you can study in the USA as an international student! Join a live webchat with academic advisers and admissions officers from American colleges and universities. Graham Douglas, International Admission Counselor at the University of Colorado Boulder, will give a presentation and answer your questions online.
Format: This program will be a video webchat in English. Please click on the URL above and enter the room as a ‘Guest’ to participate.
Study in the USA Presentation of Historically Black Colleges: North Carolina Central University – NEW!
Thursday, February 21, 2013
07:00am EDT (12:00 UTC / 18:00 Astana)
Description: Learn about how you can study in the USA as an international student! Join a live webchat with academic advisers and admissions officers from American colleges and universities. Dr. Marilyn Morgan, MBA Program Director at the North Carolina Central University School of Business, will give a presentation and answer your questions online.

Format: This program will be a video webchat in English. Please click on the URL above and enter the room as a ‘Guest’ to participate.

English Teen Club Speaks About Movies

On the 30th of January Daria Batalova (Flex alumna’12) led a club on the topic which was dedicated to the different genres of movies. The members of the club learnt new useful words that they can use when they talk about their favorite movies, etc. Moreover, they learnt a new grammar topic “Past Simple Tense” and reviewed Present Simple and Present Continuous Tenses that they learnt last time. 
The members of the club did a bunch of exercises that helped them to memorize a new topic better. At the end of the club there was a discussion on favorite movies/actors and actresses. The atmosphere during the club was very warm and friendly that made everybody feel confident.

CO.NX Upcoming Activities

Harry Holzer: The Lincoln Scholar 
Thursday, February 21, 2013
05:00 EST (09:00 UTC)
Description: Want to learn about what led Abraham Lincoln to sign the Emancipation Proclamation and end slavery in America? What role did civil society play in fighting social injustices? To find out, chat with renowned Abraham Lincoln scholar Harold Holzer about his latest book, Lincoln: How Abraham Lincoln Ended Slavery in America. This book is the official young adult companion book to Steven Spielberg’s Lincoln film. Mr. Holzer will lead a discussion on Abraham Lincoln and Emancipation for a middle-school aged audience and will also answer live questions submitted online.
Format: This program will be a video webchat in English. Join the conversation now! Starting January 24, discussion leaders from around the world, including Mr. Holzer, will interact with students worldwide about the Emancipation Proclamation. The webchat URL above will also offer further resources for discussion. Please click on it to participate.
*Tech Reminder: Be sure to have an updated version of Flash and if you experience difficulties accessing the webchat, please try a different browser.*

Monday, January 28, 2013

English Teen Club

Are you going to travel this summer or would like to chat with your friends abroad?
You are invited for English Teen Club if you are under 18. Let's learn English together. Let's discuss topics you are interested in and communicate with each other. Let's practice English every Wednesday @ 4pm. Where: Information Center WOA (70, Soborna, tel. 351-059).

Enjoy Your Lazy Sunday

Sunday is considered to be a day for relaxation. In the most of cases, the only thing you want to do is to relax and think about fun activities. However, there are some really nice things you can do during your lazy Sunday.

Cleaning. Well, this is not supposed to be a deep clean. You can always book your renovation cleaning services, but that is not the point. If you are bored to death and you just do not want to lay on your bed all day long, you can do a quick clean. You need some preparations before you get the work done. Get a dust mask and plastic gloves. Dust can be really harmful, especially if you suffer from asthma. Some of the cleaning detergents are highly toxic, so I strongly advise you to use protective gloves. Do not rush yourself. I advise you to just collect the dust and refresh the house. Use a vacuum cleaner or a mop to clean the dust. Remember to open your doors and windows while cleaning.

Reading. In these modern and dynamic days people usually do not have enough time for reading. A Sunday afternoon is probably the best time to read a nice book. According to me, there are only few things better than reading a nice book and drinking coffee on a lazy Sunday. If you are wondering, which book to choose, you can surf the internet for some suggestions. Get your favourite sofa and enjoy the book.

Watching sports. What can be better than watching your favourite sports team in the weekend? You can call your friends and invite them at home. Your wife will not be pleased, I suppose, but it is really fun to watch football with all your mates. You do not need much preparations. Just go to the local store and get a lot of beers, and some snacks. Clean your space and rearrange the space so every guest will have a comfortable seat. Enjoy the game and remember to clean the place when the match ends.

Play games. No matter what game you choose, a board game, or an outdoor sport, like football or tennis, it is always a great idea to play. If all the family members are at home, I advise you to play a family game. They often last long, I know, but are real fun. Most of the best selling family games are perfect for your lazy Sunday. Often board games make people angry, but that is not the point. Do not get family games too personal. Remember, this is only a game and do not get loses too deep. The only important thing is to have fun and relax. If you plan to play football, or any other outdoor sport, I advise you to arrange the game at least a week before, so you are sure the opponents will be available. In fact, I advise you to play games more regularly. They improve not your physical condition, but the way you think too.

I hope you have spent your Sunday the best way. You can change the activities from time to time. Enjoy your lazy Sunday.


Game Night - Play with Us!

Vinnytsia Information Center 'Window on America' hosted an activity on Game Time on 26 January, 2013. There were 38 attendees of it. The leader of Game Night PC Volunteer Michael Dixon told about a history of every game at the beginning of this meeting. 
There were several groups playing various games. The participants, engaged into this game activity, learned more on the USA and how to play these board games. 
Don't miss the next time, play board games with us!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

First-timers for Rosetta Stone

Natalia Klapovshchak /a trade manager/

Friday, January 25, 2013

We discuss Extraordinary Abilities

At the beginning of the meeting members of Vinnytsia Information Center Window on America talked about United States presidential inauguration, its history and this year 57th inauguration.
Participants shared their impressions and ideas.
The topic ‘Extraordinary Abilities’ continued the discussion. After watching short YouTube video on extraordinary people, the participants discussed some questions on the chosen topic.
The following questions “Do people with these special abilities suffer in their daily lives? How can they use these skills in practice? Do you think there are more positives or negatives in possessing these abilities?” were actively discussed by all attendees.
Let’s discuss this topic together:
     Extraordinary Abilities
/a leader - Dima S./
Fun Fact of the Day: “January 20 was the U.S. President’s inauguration day. The tradition dates back to 1897 when the Senate Committee on Arrangements hosted a lunch at the Capitol for William McKinley, the 25th President of the United States.” How many inaugurations have been celebrated in the U.S. since then?

Topic Introduction: 

Extraordinary abilities can include the following: exceptional memory, lightning calculation, uncanny artistic skill, natural telekinesis, pyrokinesis, extreme clairvoyance, above average perceptions, clairaudience, putting thoughts into others’ minds, using one’s bioelectricity, etc.
1. What are “extraordinary abilities”? Do you think that there are a lot of skilled people out there with capabilities that seem “out of this world” and extraordinary? Have you ever heard about such people or known them personally? 
2. Are extraordinary abilities genetic, thus unable to be controlled by the person affected? Do you believe that some people are truly “gifted” with these abilities? Can you train yourself to have such skills? If so, how? What reasons might exist to make yourself a “rain man,” with incredible skills that suddenly come to the surface?
3. What specific examples of extraordinary abilities might individuals possess? Do you think that recreating music from memory after listening once is extraordinary? Have you heard of “Tetrachromacy,” “Absolute Pitch,” “Supertasters,” “Echolocation,” “Genetic Chimerism,” and “Synesthesia’”? Are these examples of extraordinary abilities?
4. How can an ordinary person by affected by extraordinary abilities? Do people with these special abilities suffer in their daily lives? How can they use these skills in practice? Do you think there are more positives or negatives in possessing these abilities? 
5. Do you believe in the power of thought? Do you think that thoughts can be realized physically in our every day lives? Have you experienced this in your life? If so, what happened?
6. Would you like to be gifted with any of these special abilities? Why or why not? Would you like to be hired by the CNA or NASA, which might use people with extraordinary skills? Would you like to deal with such people in your life? 

Schedule: Please put topic ideas in the Suggestion Box!

Saturday, 26 January at 10:30- Special GAME Club, lead by PCV Mike Dixon!
Thursday, 31 January at 5:30

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Basic English Club on Love and Relationships

У Вінницькому інформаційному центрі "Вікно в Америку" відбулась чергова зустріч клубістів, які вивчають англійську мову (початковий рівень). Тема кохання та стосунків стала ключовою. 
 Лідер цього тематичного заняття - Даша Баталова - випускниця програми FLEX - підготувала питання до обговорення, а також завдання на поповнення та розширення лексичного запасу. Після жвавого обговорення було запропоновано граматичні завдання.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Writing new articles

Oleksii Riabokon
/a teacher of foreign languages at Vinnytsia Medical University/

President's Obama Inauguration

The eyes of the nation will be trained on Washington, D.C. today as president Obama takes the oath of office to kick off his second term.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Як іммігранти у США долають проблему мовного бар’єра

Щороку у Сполучені Штати офіційно прибуває приблизно 470 тисяч іммігрантів та кілька десятків тисяч біженців. Пристосуватися до життя у новому суспільстві їм допомагають родичі, друзі, різні благодійні організації та державні програми, адже країна зацікавлена в їх успішній адаптації. Успіх цього процесу, в не останню чергу, залежить від знання англійської мови. Діти, як правило, швидше вивчають іноземну мову, що не рідко створює проблеми у відносинах з батьками. У штаті Меріленд знайшли спосіб ліквідувати цю мовну прірву.

English Club on Investigations

Topic: Investigations
Fun Fact of the Day: “A dime has 118 ridges around the edge” ( 
1. What is the definition of the word “investigation”? Where do investigations usually take place? Who preforms these investigations? Can this word have multiple meanings? How do investigations affect us all personally and collectively?
2. Have you ever investigated something or someone? If so, what or who did you investigate and why did you do so? What were the results of this action? Additionally, what is your opinion about “private investigators”? What is their main purpose? Do you think that this is a beneficial profession or rather an invasion of privacy? 
3. What investigations are currently going on in the world around us? What are the most common “investigations”: educational, medical, scientific, social, problems etc.? Is there anything that you hope will be investigated in the near future? If so, why? What would be the purpose of this action? 
4. What is your opinion about “cosmic investigations”? Do you think that there is truly anything to investigate in space? What interesting events in the discovery of the universe or specific planets have helped us on Earth? Would you follow such investigations or take part in them, if you had the opportunity? 
5. What other scientific or medical investigations do you find interesting and helpful? What investigations in these fields might prove the most helpful to humanity? Is there one area of study or research that you think should be greatly expanded, in an effort to extend or improve human lives? How can this be achieved? 
6. Do you think that the education system here is fully functional and successful, or do you think that aspects of this system should be investigated and altered or improved? If so, what do you think should change? Should other countries’ models be investigated and used as examples? If not, why do you consider this system as successful? 
Schedule: Please put topic ideas in the Suggestion Box! 
Thursday, 24 January at 5:30
Saturday, 26 January at 10:30

Saturday, January 19, 2013

"Від Різдва до Йордана"

У Вінницькому Інформаційному Центрі "Вікно в Америку" було проведено тематичне заняття "Від Різдва до Йордана" з вихованцями Центру соціально-психологічної реабілітації дітей-інвалідів "Обрій". 
Під час презентації вихованці ознайомились з історією свят новорічно-різдвяного циклу, поділились власним досвідом святкування, а також переглянули уривки з фільмів "Різдво", "Василій Великий" та "Вода". 
15 дітей-інвалідів та 3 викладача взяли участь у цій зустрічі та обговоренні підготовлених питань на тему Водохреща.

CO.NX Special Inaugural Edition

If you are interested, you can watch President Obama’s inauguration on Monday, January 21 at 5 pm local time (Kiev time) by clicking on: and then clicking on the “Live Webcast” button (when the event starts.)
The Fifty Seventh Presidential Inauguration
Monday, January 21, 2012
10:00 EST (15:00 UTC)
Description: President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden will formally recommit to serving the American people on the steps of the U.S. Capitol in Washington D.C at the 57th Presidential Inauguration. CO.NX will stream live coverage of the ceremony with a view from the National Mall. Following the oath of office, the President will give his inaugural address, setting out his vision for America and goals for the nation.
Format: This program will be a video webcast in English. Please click on the live webcast URL above to watch.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

English Club on Freedom, Duty, and Responsibility

Topic: Freedom, Duty, and Responsibility 
Fun Fact of the Day: “12 newborns will be given to the wrong parents daily” ( 
1. What is “responsibility”? Do you consider yourself as a responsible person? What responsibilities do you have in your everyday life? Are you responsible only for yourself or for others as well? How do you feel about these responsibilities?
2. How are responsibilities different at home and in the workplace or at school? What responsibilities did you have when you were a child or young adult, which you do not or will not have when you are older? What responsibilities do you have in adulthood that you were never confronted with as a child? 
3. What is the difference between a responsibility and a “duty”? What daily duties do you have to preform? Do you like these duties in any way, or are they simply obligations? What obligations would you like to permanently eliminate from your life? 
4. Do you consider “freedom” as a right or a responsibility? Can it be considered as both? Why or why not? Do you think you have a duty to protect certain freedoms that you posses? How can you do so? Are we responsible for helping others and protecting their freedoms? Is there any person or group of people that you think needs extra attention and protection? 
5. If you wanted to initiate a new project or program at work or in school, is it your duty or your responsibility to be its leader? How would you be in charge of this initiative? 
Can you think of an example of such a project that you would like to create? Do you have the freedom and means to begin this work? 
6. If you had the freedom and resources to go anywhere in the world and to do anything there, where would you go and what would you do? Would you still have any responsibilities or duties in your daily life? What responsibilities and duties would you leave behind at the time of your departure? Would you stay forever or eventually come 
back home? 
Schedule: Please put topic ideas in the Suggestion Box! 
Saturday, 19 January at 10:30 
Thursday, 24 January at 5:30

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Закон США об американцах-инвалидах в действии

Закон США об американцах-инвалидах в действии
26 декабря 2012 года
Сила Соединенных Штатов заключается в способности развивать таланты, умения и потенциал всех своих граждан. Согласно отчету Бюро переписи населения США за 2012 год, примерно один из пяти американцев является инвалидом в результате физических или психических нарушений. Закон об американцах-инвалидах (ADA) предоставляет возможность этой категории населения принимать участие в бизнесе и торговле, в политике, искусстве и общественной жизни США.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

English Club on Gambling, Games and Talent

Topic: Gambling, Games and Talent
Fun Fact of the Day: The city of Juneau, Alaska is about 3,000 square miles large. It is actually bigger than the entire state of Delaware” (
1. What is your favorite “game” of all time?  What games do you and your peers most commonly play?  Do you find games interesting and entertaining?  Are they positive and helpful, or can they be negative and harmful?  What games do you dislike?
2. What is you opinion about video games?  Do you think that video games are appropriate for young children?  What affects do you think video games have on their users?  Is there a specific video game that you really enjoy and play often?  How much time do people spend playing these games?  Do you think that some find it hard to separate the games from reality?
3. Do you think that gambling is a problem around us?  What two different associations does the word “gambling” have?  How can it relate to more than just games?  Have you ever “gambled” anything in your life?  Would you ever try gambling in any respect?
4. Which types of game activities do you think are the most helpful and healthy: physical games, word games, video games, etc.?  How do all of these different games affect us differently?  Should children spend more or less time playing games in school?  Do you think adults should play games at work?  How might this help or hurt us?
5. Do you possess any secret “talents”?  Does an ability to successfully play games mean you have a talent for gaming?  How important are talents for character development?  Is there a specific talent that you wish you possessed more?  How could you train yourself to do so?
6. If you could create your own game or talent of any kind, what would it be and why would you invent it?  Who would be your target audience and how would you play?  Would there be any rules or restrictions to participate?  How could you make it popular among your peers or even worldwide?
Schedule: Please put topic ideas in the Suggestion Box!
Thursday, 17 January at 5:30- let me know if you want to lead!
Saturday, 19 January at 10:30

Friday, January 11, 2013

English Club on Imagination with Alex

Topic: Imagination
Leader: Alex
Fun Fact of the Day: “In 1796, two brothers ran against each other for President of the United States. Charles Pinckney and his younger brother Thomas (both from South Carolina) both received electoral votes, but John Adams won the election. It was the only time in US history that two brothers got electoral votes for President in the same election” (
1. What is “imagination”? How does it differ between a scholar and layman’s perspective? In which ways does imagination relate to fantasy, creativity, dream hallucinations (while sleeping), and research hypotheses? Is there anything else it relates to?
2. What is the role of imagination in different spheres of basic human activity – playing, learning, arts, research, sports, professions etc.? Can you give some examples from your own experience or that of your peers? Why was “imagination” relevant in this situation?
3. Do you think that the ability to imagine is a gift or a product of deliberate training? Why do you think so? If it is a gift, how did it initially arise? If it is a product of training, what do you need to do to become successfully imaginative?
4. Is the impact of imagination on human lives always positive? If not, do you think it is more positive or more negative? How might this balance affect the role of imagination in our lives?
5. Please look at this pictured image. What kind of associations does it evoke in your mind? Why do you associate this image in this manner? Do images and pictures automatically invoke our use of imagination? Why or why not?
6. Do you wish that you had a more creative imagination? If so, what do you hope to do in the future to increase your imagination skill?
Schedule: Please put topic ideas in the Suggestion Box!
Saturday, 12 January at 10:30
Thursday, 17 January at 5:30- let me know if you want to lead!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

CO.NX Program Archive - January, 2013

Digital Storytelling: Location-Based Apps - NEW!
Thursday, January 24, 2013
09:00 EST (14:00 UTC)

Description: Calling all State Exchange Alumni & digital storytellers! Do you enjoy using the newest social apps to document your experiences and share information like photos and video? Learn how to connect with others through location-based applications and better tell your stories using digital platforms. Participate in a live, engaging discussion featuring Fulbright U.S. Student Program alumni Josephine Dorado, Professor of Media Studies at NYC’s The New School and VP of the Fulbright NY Alumni Chapter, and Whit Schrader, Founder of Pearescope, a mobile networking service that introduces members to mutual friends and acquaintances whenever and wherever they want. Join Josephine and Whit online to learn how to share and communicate what you're passionate about!
Format: This program will be an interactive video webcast in English. Please click on the URL above to participate. Follow the conversation on Twitter by using the hashtag #ExchangeAlumni.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

English Club on Communication

 Topic: Communication 
If others have difficulty hearing you, how effective do you think your communication skills are? You can have a wonderful delivery at the lectern, superb telephone techniques, and/or marvelous negotiating skills on a one-to-one basis, but if others cannot hear you, then it doesn’t matter how good the delivery. Let's speak about communication skills.
Fun Fact of the Day: “Fortune cookies were actually invented in America, in 1918, by Charles Jung” (
1. What is “communication”? What are the most common ways that people communicate? What forms of communication do you use everyday?
2. How might “intercultural communication” differ from other means of communication? What “do’s and taboos” do you think exist when interacting with individuals from other cultures? Are there any barriers to intercultural communication?
3. Do you think that communication methods differ between genders or age groups? What problems can occur when trying to relate to other groups, like teenagers to older adults or children to parents, for example?
4. How does communication differ between the workplace and your personal life? Do you use the same methods of communication for friends and family as you do for your boss and coworkers? Are there any expected or restricted means of communication in the workplace?
5. What forms of communication exist on the Internet specifically? How does “computer crime” and “googlization” affect communication? Do you think that online communication is as affective and personal as telephone, written, or face-to-face interactions? How has Internet communication changed the ways that individuals interact? Has it helped intercultural communication?
6. What unique means of communication can you think of? Do you think that certain “talents” provide a means of communication, such as magic, dance, art, music, etc.? How can such talents help individuals communicate across social barriers or cross-cultural divisions?
7. If you could form another new method of communication, who would you try to interact with and what would this means of communication be? How can you try to put your ideas in motion?
Schedule: Please put topic ideas in the Suggestion Box!
Thursday, 10 January at 5:30- Special club on “Imagination” by Alex!
Saturday, 12 January at 10:30

Thursday, January 3, 2013


В 2013 году Крым впервые проводит необычную акцию, призванную превратить весь полуостров в единый «читательский клуб». По инициативе министра культуры АРК Алёны Плакиды и Крымской республиканской детской библиотеки им. В. Орлова стартует программа «Большое чтение». Идея акции заключается в том, чтобы как можно большее число участников прочитали в установленный промежуток времени определённое художественное произведение, выбранное организаторами программы. И, желательно, не только прочитали, но и обсудили – «живьём» и в Интернете, а также создали по прочитанному собственный творческий продукт, например, видеоролик (сегодня модно говорить – «буктрейлер»), рисунок или даже спектакль.
Аналогичные программы национального и регионального масштаба уже несколько лет проходят в Америке и в России. Их инициируют общественные организации, библиотеки и учебные заведения при активном участии мэров городов. Например, Национальный художественный фонд США регулярно организует кампанию «Создаём нацию читателей». Чикагская публичная библиотека в 2001 году объявила программу «Одна книга – один Чикаго» по роману, который уже 40 лет держится в списке бестселлеров, – «Убить пересмешника» Харпер Ли. А в 2011 году чикагцы читали и обсуждали роман английского фантаста Нила Геймана «Никогде».

English Club on Happy Holidays

Winter getaways with loved ones are great but even if a person plans to spend the holidays alone, they should prepare their home or caravan for such. If one plans on entertaining at home, they should do an assessment of those things that need cleaning both inside and outside of their home. If they did not prepare their static caravan, then it may not be too late to be with us and enjoy some fun.
Topic: Happy Holidays! 
What is your favorite holiday and why?
1. Do you celebrate Christmas? What is your favorite tradition? How do you usually spend Christmas? What are your favorite activities or pastimes? Based on  what you know, how do you think Christmas in Ukraine differs from the U.S.? 
2. What is your favorite New Year’s tradition? How do you usually celebrate the New Year? Do you have a favorite activity, such as decorating, gift giving, or cooking? How do you think New Year celebrations differ between Ukraine and the U.S.? 
3. If you could spend Christmas or New Year’s in any other country around the world, where would you go and why? What traditions would you bring with you to this celebration and what would you hope to learn? 
4. What are New Year’s Resolutions? Do you make them? If so, what will be your Resolution for 2013? Do you think that Resolutions are important? Why or why not? 
Schedule: Please put topic ideas in the Suggestion Box! 
Saturday, 05 January at 10:30 
Thursday, 10 January at 5:30