Saturday, January 5, 2013

English Club on Communication

 Topic: Communication 
If others have difficulty hearing you, how effective do you think your communication skills are? You can have a wonderful delivery at the lectern, superb telephone techniques, and/or marvelous negotiating skills on a one-to-one basis, but if others cannot hear you, then it doesn’t matter how good the delivery. Let's speak about communication skills.
Fun Fact of the Day: “Fortune cookies were actually invented in America, in 1918, by Charles Jung” (
1. What is “communication”? What are the most common ways that people communicate? What forms of communication do you use everyday?
2. How might “intercultural communication” differ from other means of communication? What “do’s and taboos” do you think exist when interacting with individuals from other cultures? Are there any barriers to intercultural communication?
3. Do you think that communication methods differ between genders or age groups? What problems can occur when trying to relate to other groups, like teenagers to older adults or children to parents, for example?
4. How does communication differ between the workplace and your personal life? Do you use the same methods of communication for friends and family as you do for your boss and coworkers? Are there any expected or restricted means of communication in the workplace?
5. What forms of communication exist on the Internet specifically? How does “computer crime” and “googlization” affect communication? Do you think that online communication is as affective and personal as telephone, written, or face-to-face interactions? How has Internet communication changed the ways that individuals interact? Has it helped intercultural communication?
6. What unique means of communication can you think of? Do you think that certain “talents” provide a means of communication, such as magic, dance, art, music, etc.? How can such talents help individuals communicate across social barriers or cross-cultural divisions?
7. If you could form another new method of communication, who would you try to interact with and what would this means of communication be? How can you try to put your ideas in motion?
Schedule: Please put topic ideas in the Suggestion Box!
Thursday, 10 January at 5:30- Special club on “Imagination” by Alex!
Saturday, 12 January at 10:30

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