Sunday, June 30, 2013

English Club on 'Trust'

27 June 2013
Leader: Olga P.

Fun Fact of the Day: Boulder, Colorado is the only city in the U.S. to own a glacier.
1. What does ‘trustfulness’ mean? What is the nature of trust? How can you tell if a person is honest? Is it important to be honest with everybody? Is it always easy? Do you think that mistrust becomes a sort of protection against fear of failure or loneliness or being unaccepted or perhaps even death? Can you give some examples of trust?
2. Is it ever Ok to give only a partial truth instead of full honesty? Is there a difference between telling a partial truth and lying? Do you trust your friends or spouses every time? Should you tell them truth every time? Do you have a friend whom you tell everything and trust as your own diary? Is it important to have truthfulness in a family?
3. How can you explain the notion ‘self-trust’? Is it easy to you to accept yourself as you are with all your every day decisions? What do you do to have ‘self-trust’? Have you ever thought about it? Is it the same – to have ‘self-trust’ and ‘to have an own inner voice”?
4. Have you ever thought about trust in a business context? What brand do you choose when buying goods? How do you keep security and trust in e-business? Do you always trust your partner in any business?
5. Is it possible to keep and share important information in social nets? Do you often share your personal data using Facebook, Vkontacts, etc.
6. Have you ever been captured in situations when the truth hurts? What are “white lies”? Everyone tells a white lie on occasion, it’s just a question of why? Is it Ok to tell white lies if they protect somebody? If you tell ‘white lies’, does it make you a dishonest person? Have you ever used the following ‘white lies’ in your practice?
Here’s a list of 15 most common ‘white lies’ and why we tell them:
1. It wasn’t me! – Because some things just aren’t worth taking credit for.
2. The table will be ready in 5 minutes. – Because it sounds a lot better than 15 minutes.
3. Oh, yeah. That makes sense. – Because option B involves admitting that I am clueless.
4. Thank you so much! I just love it! – Because telling someone that their gift sucked would make me look like an insensitive jerk.
5. Yeah, you look great in that dress. – Because it’s better than being slapped.
6. Oh, things would have been different if I was there! – Because I’m Superman and I can always make a difference… or at least that’s how I want others to perceive of me.
7. No, officer… I have no idea how fast I was going. – Because claiming ignorance is sometimes better than admitting to insubordination.
8. I’m 29. – Because 29 is like 20 years younger than 30.
9. Yeah, I’ll start working on that ASAP! – Because telling you I have 10 things to do first would just irritate you.
10. Yes, John was with me last night. – Because that’s what friends do… we agree and ask questions later.
11. My resume is 5 pages long for a good reason. – Because I’m darn good at bullshitting!
12. Man, that sucker was 10 feet long! – Because anything less would be boring.
13. Yeah, I was a badass on my high school football team! – Because I want to be seen by others in an even stronger light than I see myself.
14. I’m 21 with a muscular build. – Because you can’t see me in this online chat room… ha ha!
15. I thought I already sent that email out. I’m sure I did. – Because telling you that it was a low priority and I forgot would probably hurt our relationship.
Thursday, 29 June 2013 – 5:30 pm
Saturday, 04 July 2012 – 10:30 am
Definition: Trust, Trustingness or Trustfulness - the trait of believing in the honesty and reliability of others.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Thursday, June 20, 2013

English Club on Pets, Homeless Animals, and More...

Leaders: Olga P. and Helen Ch. 

Fact of the Day: Millions of animals are dying needlessly every year, leaving the U.S. with a 60 percent kill-rate because some communities are choosing not to try something new. June 11, 2011 is the first national day of No Kill Animals in the U.S.
 1. Do/Did you have pets at home? What are/were they? Were you allowed to have a pet in your childhood? What pet did you choose? Why? Have you dreamt to be an owner of an unusual animal? Do you find any obvious benefits or therapeutic effects of pets? Do children suffer less stress and have fewer anxious outbursts if there is a pet in the home? Do children who grow up with pets have less risk of allergies and asthma? Do they learn responsibility, compassion, and empathy from having pets? Are they less cruel in future? 
 2. How do you feel when you visit someone and find out a pet? Have you ever been given a pet as a present? What do you think about such a gift? Can pets provide a source of positive, nonverbal communication? Are there any relations between a pet and his/her owner? Do you know stories when animals saved lives of their owners?
3. Do you know people who adore their pets? How pets can affect your mood and health? Are pet owners less likely to suffer from depression than those without pets? Do heart attack patients with pets survive longer than those without? How pets can help make healthy lifestyle changes?
4. Have you ever thought about homeless animals? How are homeless animals saved in your country? Are there shelters, animal support or rescue organizations in your city? Have you ever been there? How often do you help adoptable animals? Is killing the only solution to dealing with homeless animals? Do you like to be a volunteer in a shelter? Have you ever dealt with re-homing somebody’s pets or animal rescue charity?
5. Have you found a pet that meets your needs and lifestyle? Are children with autism or other learning difficulties better able to interact with pets than people? Have you ever had an experience of interacting with animals /dolphins, etc./? Is it true that people who love animals are less aggressive?
6. What animal do you fear most? It’s quite understandable why would someone fear a dog or a certain animal but why would someone fear all animals together? Does fear of animals (zoophobia) cause problems? How do childhood experiences affect adulthood?
Saturday, 22 June 2013 – 10.30 am
Thursday, 26 June 2013 – 17.30 pm

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

It Is Interesting To Know That ...

Parents, Children, Libraries, and Reading

by Carolyn Miller, Kathryn Zickuhr, Lee Rainie and Kristen Purcell
Summary of Findings
The vast majority of parents of minor children — children younger than 18 — feel libraries are very important for their children. That attachment carries over into parents’ own higher-than-average use of a wide range of library services. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Hi everyone, 
we have a chance to set up webchats between Americans and users of our Center.

In order to create the most interesting programs possible, could you let us know what you find most interesting? Are there specific topics that would be likely to draw you? Based on your interests, we will reach out to industry experts, professionals, academics, American government employees, Fulbright alumni, Peace Corps Volunteers or other U.S. speakers to promote the exchange of knowledge between Americans and Ukrainians.

If you have specific Americans in mind, please let us know – although please note that extremely well known American such as Bill Gates or President Obama are unlikely to have the time to participate.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

English Club on 'Couchsurfing' with Olga Polonets

The very thought of an around the world trip can inculcate a wanderlust in even the most grounded person, but for most the expenses connected with this adventure are just impossible. If it’s not the flights biting at your wallet, it’s the food and drink, the insurance or, worst of all, the huge price of accommodation. Couchsurfing is exactly what the name suggests – rather than emptying your bank account on expensive hotels you instead sleep on the couch of a friend or friendly stranger. Let's speak about Couchsurfing with its pros and cons with Olga P.

With Couchsurfing, you can stay with locals in every country on the earth. Travel like a local, stay in someone’s home and experience the world in a way money can’t buy.
Couchsurfing is a global community of 6 million people in more than 100,000 cities who share their life, their world, their journey. Around 20% of Couchsurfers had registered their country as being the United States, with Germany, France, Canada and England also registering large numbers of participants. The city with the largest number of registered Couchsurfers was Paris.

1. What is the definition of “Couchsurfing”? Why couchsurfing? Do you prefer couchsurfing over staying in hotels or youth hostels? Is it safer than living at hostels with somebody else for some days? Is it cheaper than other ways of traveling?

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Vinnytsia "Window on America" Center hosted members of English Club with a discussion on Exams

Vinnytsia "Window on America" Center hosted members of English Club with a discussion on Exams. A leader of this activity Olga Polonets shared her own ideas on Bolonsky system. The participants discussed questions on cheating actively. Fulbright Volunteer Ann Ch. talked about her experience on taking exams. It is no wonder that Americans prefer testing to oral examinations where it is even impossible to think about cheating. Even when you take your exam in Spanish as a foreign language you should write your test. Miracle of miracles, but most of the attendees really enjoy passing exams. Perhaps, you are among those who don't like exams or vice versa. Let us discuss this topic with us. Moreover, you will get to know what it means "to cram some facts in a short-term memory".
Fun Fact of the Day:
The hottest temperature recorded in the United States (and in North America) was in Death Valley, California on Jul
y 10, 1913. The temperature measured 134°F (56°C).


1. How often did (do) you take exams in your life? Do you remember your first exam? How successful was it? Did you have fear or any other possible bad feelings before passing the first exam? Did your attitude to taking exams change with time? What exam was the most difficult or the easiest one in your life? When did you take your last exam? What impressions do you have?

2. If you are not optimistic and energetic, you will not do your best in your exam. Is it true? What is the secret of success at the exam to your mind knowledge, luck, of confidence and one’s own charm and charisma? Do you need a special concentration or meditation before your exams? Do you know any exam techniques, tips and tricks to be successful in it? Is it true that in the last 24 hours it’s too late to try and understand anything new? Does it mean that you simply cram some facts into short-term memory? 

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Якщо Ви були прийняті в американський коледж чи університет на осінній семестр 2013 року

Education USA Kyiv

Якщо Ви були прийняті в американський коледж чи університет на осінній семестр 2013 року, запрошуємо прийняти участь у ПЕРЕДВИЇЗНІЙ ОРІЄНТАЦІЇ - 14 червня, 2013.Візьміть участь у передвиїзній орієнтації і готуйтесь з нами до відльоту на навчання в США цієї осені!

14 червня 2013 року, з 9:00 до 14:15.
Консультативний центр EducationUSA, вул. Еспланадна 20, 6 поверх, Київ.

Передвиїзна орієнтація - це спеціальний захід, який проводиться щорічно в нашому центрі.Це Ваша унікальна можливість зустрітися з іншими студентами, які їдуть на навчання в США на осінній семестр 2013 року, а також познайомитися із випускниками EducationUSA, які із задоволенням поділяться своїм досвідом!

Ми створили чудову програму, на якій Вам розкажуть про:
- навчання та академічне життя в США;
- культурні відмінності;
- студентське життя;
і, звичайно, Ви отримаєте багато корисних порад, пов'язаних з переїздом, навчанням та проживанням в США.

Один із ключових моментів заходу передбачає проведення сесії по студентських візах Консульським відділом посольства США у Києві.Щоб зареєструватися на захід, будь ласка, заповніть наступну формуУчасть безкоштовна, необхідна лише реєстрація!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

A Farewell Party at WOA Center

Mila H., a PC volunteer, has been leading English Club with native speakers for two years. It is a pity but today all of us should say "Bye" to this wonderful person. It is the last day of her volunteering at the Center. A lot of her friends, a lot of presents, and many words of thanks for her help. 

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Saturday, June 1, 2013

If You Have Dreams and Can Share with Them...

English Club
Topic: Goals, Dreams, and the Future
Fun Fact of the Day: “In West Virginia, it is illegal to snooze on a train” (
1. What is your definition of the “future”? How often do you believe people should think about their futures? Is it possible to become “obsessed” with the future, spending too much time focused on what will happen instead of what is happening now? How can thinking about the future too much cause us to lose focus in our lives?
2. Are there ways for people to actively map out their futures? How much agency do we have in determining our future lives? Do you believe that we make our own futures, or does life and unexpected circumstances create them for us? What steps can we take to ensure a positive future? Is there a way to ensure a “good” future?
3. How do goals help us to form future plans? Do you think that it important to have solid goals and to plan far in advance? How far in advance do you usually plan? Do you believe in 5-year or even 10-year plans? How might these concepts be both beneficial and harmful? Do you have any goals for the next 10 years? What do you hope to accomplish in this time? If you do not have any long-term goals, is there anything you hope will just happen naturally in your life?
4. What major things do you think will change in the world in the future? Will people or the surrounding environment change more? What aspects of life do you think will remain the same for future generations, and which ones do you think will change the most? How many years do you think will have to pass before the world, as we know it, is unrecognizable? What do you hope will happen in our world during your lifetime?
5. How do you think books, movies, stories, holidays etc. will change in popularity in the future? Is it possible to predict these future trends now? If so, how? What tends to spark popular trends? What fads and trends are popular now that you think will become obsolete in the future? Which ones do you think will continue their popularity “across the ages”?
6. What additional “far-reaching” (and potentially unreachable) dreams do you have for the future? Do you have any important or interesting dreams? How do you hope to achieve them? What is one fun or crazy thing you hope to participate in (or maybe purchase) in the future? How do you see yourself a year from now and beyond?

Thursday, 06 June at 5:30- Last Thursday with Mila. Please choose leaders for the future!
Saturday, 08 June at 10:30- End of Mila’s Peace Corps service. Small celebration!