Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The English Club for Beginners

This time we spoke about music trends including jazz. The participants got to know more about jazz, modern interpretations of it and its history. We followed our course on American Idioms and tried ourselves in their usage. At the end of this session the Club members trained themselves in Grammar usage and played language games.

Monday, April 28, 2014

A Reminder: a Discussion on Jazz for Beginners

A Discussion on Jazz for Beginners 
on April 29, 2014 at 5.45 pm

A Discussion on Miracles with Dima K.

Can miracles happen for real? Should we just wait for them or take active steps to make them happen? Is something still a miracle if scientists manage to give it a plausible rationalization? On April 26 the English Club members armed with their immanent wit and sense of humor exchanged opinions on this exciting topic. The meeting was led by Dima K., a club member who makes a point of incorporating miracles into each sphere of his life.

Friday, April 25, 2014

A Reminder

For those who like and value miracles. 

A Discussion on Miracles with Dima K. on April 26, 2014

at WOA Center

Thursday, April 24, 2014

A Discussion on Games, Gambling, and Toys with Helen Ch.

Fact of the Day: The life of an American child typically revolves around running through the neighborhood and playing games with their friends. Even with advances in technology, many of these games have remained a slice of Americana generation after generation. These are simple games that often just require children to use their imaginations to play them. For example, “Red Light, Green Light”, ‘Ghost in the Graveyard’, ‘Duck Duck Goose’, etc. What games are popular among Ukrainian children now? Why? Why not? Read more: http://www.ehow.com/list_6761402_classic-american-children_s-games.html#ixzz2zb3Db7Bd

Discussion: 1. Do you agree with statement that our life is a game? What do you know about game “Russian roulette”? What is your attitude to players of this game? 
2. What do you know about gambling addiction? Do you know about fatal cases of game addiction? 

3. What is your attitude to games of chance and casino? How do you treat people who can spend all their fortune in one night game? Do you agree that slot machines should have restricted areas of their location and why? 
4. What are definitions of ‘games’ and ‘toys’? How could ‘games’ and ‘toys’ be classified? What kinds of games and toys do you know? 

5. Why do children play? What games do they prefer at various ages? Why do adults play? 

6. Do you remember your favorite game/ toy in your childhood? Did you like to play with toys? What games did you prefer? 

7. What is the most surprising, strange, and unpleasant game or toys have you ever had or seen in your everyday life? What restrictions on buying toys and games do parents follow in your country? 

8. Do you like to play with children/ adults? What games do you play? Why? Do you think it is a kind of entertainment? 

9. What do you think about modern video games on new gadgets? Do you buy them or load for your children? Do you limit their time in a virtual reality? Do children play those games as you played in your childhood? Which of them? Why? Why not? 

10. What intellectual games do you prefer to play or propose them to try for your children? Are they a usual thing on TV in your country? 

Schedule: April 26, 2014 – Dima K. – at 10.30 am. (Saturday). 

Blog: woavinnitsa.blogspot.com/ Please, let us know if you want to learn how to dance CONTINENTAL DRIFT? If ‘YES’, be the first in our list.
Виїзна зустріч з представниками ГО "Гармонія". Ми продовжили вивчення американських ідіом та більше спілкувались, обравши тему для обговорення.
at the Center "Harmony" with students

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

'Extra English' Movie Night 4 Beginners with FLEX Alumna

The members of the Extra English Club for Beginners watched Episode 8 of "Extra English" Movie. After haven it watched it was time for a discussion and some comprehensive tasks.

Аудіокурс англійської мови для слабкозорих студентів

На сьогоднішній зустрічі розпочато цікавий курс вивчення англійської мови. Це аудіокурс, який дозволить слабкозорим студентам оволодіти іноземною мовою

English 4 Beginners: American Idioms and Shopping

This time it was a conversational circle where tha participants had a chance to practice themselves in speaking, making short dialogues on Buying Footwear, to get to know more about traditions of shopping in the US, Ukraine and other European countries. This meeting started with learning of American Idioms used in everyday life (on the go, on the ball, an open book, on the fritz, on the blink, once in a blue moon, etc.). Some short dialogues "New Steps in a Conversation" were proposed for members of the English Club 4 Beginners to practice.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Reminder (The English Club with Volunteers)


You are invited to participate in a discussion on 'Games and Toys' with Helen Ch.
When: April 24, 2014 at 5.30 pm.
Where: WOA Center.


If you are a member of the English Club for Beginners, you are welcome to participate in our activities. 
When: April 22, 2014 at 5.45 pm (till 7 pm).
Where: at WOA Center (Vinnytsia RUR Library named after K.A. Timiriazev).
Leader: Yulia K.

A leader of the Extra English Club, FLEX alumna Lina S., invites you for the Extra English session. 
Where: at WOA Center (Vinnytsia RUR Library named after K.A. Timiriazev).
When: on April 23, 2013 at 5.15 pm.


Saturday, April 19, 2014

Applications closing for Summer 2014 Online and Blended Courses

Greetings from Mount Holyoke College Professional and Graduate Education!
Applications will be closing soon for our summer courses.

Summer 2014 MHC Online courses 
Courses open to university students from around the world. International university students who want to increase their reading and writing skills may be particularly interested in The Hunger Games, as it is actually a first-year English seminar course. Students considering a transfer to a US university, or who just want to experience taking a course with a US university professor, will benefit from these courses taught by US university professors for college credit. See also, Social Psychology and Chinese Hollywood.
Teaching English as a Foreign Language: Current Issues and Best Practices 
A combination online and two-week residential course for English language teachers at international schools. The online phase provides instruction of current best practices in teaching English, followed by a two week stay at our campus that offers exposure to US university classrooms and culture, excursions to Boston and other locations.

Please also visit (and like!) our Facebook page, where you will see information about our summer courses offered in various formats: classroom, online and study abroad.

Teaching English as a Foreign Language: Current Issues and Best Practices
A four-credit course taught for 3 weeks online, combined with a two-week residential component on the beautiful Mount Holyoke College campus in a comprehensive study program including classroom practice, room, meals and all excursions and program activities.

Online July 8-26, 2014 
The first part of the course will be delivered online, so the focus will be on reading and writing about current best practices in English language teaching. Students will form as a learning community and will begin supporting each other by drawing on their experiences to share effective strategies for teaching English across different cultures.

Residential Seminar: July 27- Aug 9, 2014
All participants will travel to the US and live on the Mount Holyoke College campus to continue their coursework 4 mornings a week. The rest of the time, they will work on homework and group projects and increase their cultural knowledge by attending other college classes, participating in recreational activities and enjoying excursions to Boston and other local attractions.
Online August 10-13, 2014
After the participants leave the campus, they will complete and submit their final assignments through the online course site to be eligible to receive course credit, which can be transferred to other educational institutions.

A Discussion on Stereotypes with Daphnee & Ula, EVS Volunteers

On April 19, 2014 the members of the English Club with Volunteers discussed about stereotypes of various contries. EVS volunteers Daphnee D. and Ula B. told about stereotypes in general and proposed some tests and games to determine a stereotype of this or that country. A lot of positive emotions. It was a real fun to get to know more about different stereotypes. There were other volunteers from Poland who shared ideas about her country.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

National Poetry Month at the English Club for Beginners

 On April 15, 2014 we started a new activity at the English Club for Beginners. It is a 'national poetry page' activity which helps participants get to know more about a national poetry. And not only. This time some poems by Robert Frost were read and discussed. 
 The second part of this meeting was a disccussion on a Healthy Food for Healthy People.
Some questions were discussed as an ice breaker to follow the next activity.

Нові книги у бібліотеці проходять певний шлях, перш ніж потрапити до того чи іншого відділу. Їх ставлять на облік, їм дають інвентарний номер, шифрують і дарують предметну рубрику, заносять до електронної бази даних, а лише потім книга рухається до свого постійного місця перебування. Такі книги сьогодні ми отримали - і вже згодом вони будуть в Центрі. До речі, є нові видання з підготовки до екзаменів (2014 р.), цікавий курс з вивчення англійської Living English, науково-пізнавальна та суспільно-політична література. А ще декілька нових дисків з художніми фільмами, рольові ігри для тих, хто захоплюється нетрадиційним викладанням, а також декілька книг з мовознавства. Серед усіх книг є українською та англійською мовами. Так, книга про Джона Пола Джонса двома мовами. А ось і поличка, де книги чекають декілька днів (їм відкривають візу і дають квиток), щоб розпочати свій рух саме до тих, кого вони зацікавлять. Можливо, саме до вас, і ви вперше погортаєте їх сторінки.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

April 12, 2014 - the English Club with Volunteers
Food for thoughts and a new discussion. This time a leader Mykhailo G. chose a topic 'Migration and Immigration' to speak about. A short presentation of the topic, fun facts of the day and an introduction were an ice breaking activity to start communication. Some questions were given to attendees for a discussion to find out and clarify a meaning of the following terms 'migration' and 'immigration". The participants also shared ideas on migration processes in Ukraine, immigration enlargement and its results, a sustainable and active part of the Ukrainian Diaspora in the world nowadays, its preseved cultural heritage, etc. The following questions 'Are Ukrainians inclined to migration' and "A Civil protest in many EU countries 'cause of migration' were the most actively discussed. The leader prepared some surprises for active attendees of this discussion.

For those who like and value miracles. 
A Discussion on Miracles with Dima K. on April 26, 2014
at WOA Center.
You are invited for a discourse meeting on 'Ideal Relationships: Love, Friendship, and Partnership' with Serhii B. 
When: April 17, 2014 at 5.30 pm
Where: WOA Centre (Vinnytsia RUR Library named after K.A. Timiriazev)
Key words of a discussion: successful relationships (in business, a family and friendship), communication techniques, communication skills, etc. Some successful transactions wil be proposed to you.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

The English Club on "The Generation Gap" with Kate S.

Today's discussion was dedicated to Generation Gap - in friendship, work, family relationships, and a gap between teachers and students.
I. Does the generation gap exist?
1) Is generation gap a myth or reality?
2) What is the generation gap and why does it exist?
3) Is there a generation gap on morality?
4) Do you think that the generation gap is a very unpleasant thing? Had it any positive features?
5) What age difference causes a generation gap?
6) What are the examples of generation gaps?
II. Generation gap
  1) When do you feel the generation gap the most?
2) Is it possible to overcome the generation gap?
3) What point in life does the generation gap seem to be the largest?
4) They say that each generation is about 10 years. Is it possible to "categorize" or "label" every generation (e.g. "radio, television, computer" generations)?
5) What are some key signs that a generation gap is present?
6) What are the advantages and disadvantages of the generation gap?
7) What are the reasons and effects of the generation gap?

III. Relations between generations

1) What do you think when you see an old person?
2) Do you think older people are boring?
3) Why are there generation gaps between age groups?
4) What do you think of the generation gap between old people and young people?
5) What are the topics that people of different generations disagree on? Is it possible for people of different generations to agree on things as well?
6) How do different generations react on the same situation? Could you give the examples?
7) What are the advantages and disadvantages of another generation?
8) What influences the styles, values and interests of a generation?
9) Are people from the "older" generation always wise and correct in their ways of thinking and choices? Why or why not?
10) Do you think generation gaps allow the older generations to have more "authority" in their relationships with younger people?
11) Why do new generations often blame the last generation for many problems they are facing?
12) Can you see a generation gap between yourself and the younger generation?

IV. Friendship
1) Have you ever felt a generation gap with your friends?
2) How does a generation gap affect interaction between two people?
3) What points do you and your friends/parents/relatives/grandparents always have an argument or disagreement? Do you think it is related to the generation gap?
4) Some people think it is OK to marry a much older man but not a much older woman? Do you agree? What problems can a spouse have in such a case?
5) If you don't have generation gaps with your friends/parents/relatives/grandparents, what are some reasons why they don't exist in your relationships with them?

V. Family relationships

1) Could you talk to your parents about everything?
2) Had your and your parents’ upbringing something in common?
3) Do you think that your life is easier/harder than your parents’?
4) Do you feel your parents don't understand you because of a generation gap?
5) Is the generation gap the main reason of quarrels between parents and their children?
6) How do parents relate to teenagers through the generation gap?
7) Have you ever disagree with your parents/grandparents about topics such as music, style and values? Why?
8) What problems arise from generation gap between parents and their children?
9) What do you think is important to have normal relations between parents and children?
VI. Teachers and Students
1) What is generation gap between teachers and students?
2) Should teachers be aware of the generation gap between them and their students? What can be done about it? Can the gap be narrowed being adaptable, or should students adapt to their teachers?
3) Can teachers and students be friends?
VII. Problems1) Can the generation gap cause problems in the workplace? Which of them?
2) How to solve the problem of the generation gap?
3) How can you minimize generation gap?
VIII. Conclusion
1) When did you first become an adult in your mind?
2) When do people become experienced? Does it always depend on age?
3) What is the best way to stop arguments and not to quarrel?
4) Are parents the best friends in the life? How can children show parents their gratitude?
5) If you could give one important message to the next generation, what would it be?

Question 1

Why don't our parents let us go out more with our friends? When they do this with me, I feel that they don't trust me.

Question 2

Why do so many parents get divorced? Why can't they solve their problems? How are we supposed to cope with all these problems? I am 16 years old, and I feel lost.
My dad doesn't bother to contact us.

Question 3

My parents always believe that I can't depend on myself, and they treat me as an irresponsible person, although I'm not, and I 'm trying all the time to prove the opposite. I need your advice.

Question 4

The older generation tends to forget that they were also once young, and seem unable to relate to us. What does it take to bring them back to reality and perhaps even remind them that they were once young? 

Question 5 

I think my parents, aunts and uncles are so clueless about the things we go through. They keep saying things like, "When we were young, we never did such and such things." 
Why can't they understand that our world is different, and that a lot of things didn't exist in their time, like internet, mobiles, etc? Why do they just assume that I'm doing something wrong when I spend time on the net or my mobile? I don't do anything bad. I only chat with my friends, but they always feel that I'm the worst person in the world. 

Question 6 

I don't consider my situation entirely strange. For some reason I can openly talk to my grandmother who, in spite of her age, understands me and is a great listener, and never judges me. But I can't relate the same way to my parents. When I talk about stuff, even about boys, they don't want to hear it. They just say I must concentrate on my studies and forget about boys. 
I don't even have a boyfriend but I have a wide circle of friends that includes boys. I think my parents live in a different world. 
Презентація "Вища освіта в США" (Американські Ради)
Квітень 10, 2014 р.

По завершенню презентації "Вища освіта в США"
Презентація стала цікавою та корисною тим, хто таки справді мріє вступити до вищого закладу в США. Детальні поради та інструкції, як подавати заяву, як обрати заклад, фінансування, написання есе тощо. Дякуємо модератору зустрічі Тетяні Котко, представнику Американських Рад, за презентацію.


Greetings from Mount Holyoke College Professional and Graduate Education!

Applications will be closing soon for our summer courses. Please tell your university students and teachers of English and forward the attached and description below.

Summer 2014 MHC Online courses 
Courses open to university students from around the world. International university students who want to increase their reading and writing skills may be particularly interested in The Hunger Games, as it is actually a first-year English seminar course. Students considering a transfer to a US university, or who just want to experience taking a course with a US university professor, will benefit from these courses taught by US university professors for college credit. See also, Social Psychology and Chinese Hollywood.

Teaching English as a Foreign Language: Current Issues and Best Practices 
A combination online and two-week residential course for English language teachers at international schools. The online phase provides instruction of current best practices in teaching English, followed by a two week stay at our campus that offers exposure to US university classrooms and culture, excursions to Boston and other locations.

Please share these materials with students and English teachers in your network and do not hesitate to respond with your comments about the relevance of these courses to your constituents. Please also visit (and like!) our Facebook page, where you will see information about our summer courses offered in various formats: classroom, online and study abroad. Thank you.

Teaching English as a Foreign Language: Current Issues and Best Practices
A four-credit course taught for 3 weeks online, combined with a two-week residential component on the beautiful Mount Holyoke College campus in a comprehensive study program including classroom practice, room, meals and all excursions and program activities.

Online July 8-26, 2014 
The first part of the course will be delivered online, so the focus will be on reading and writing about current best practices in English language teaching. Students will form as a learning community and will begin supporting each other by drawing on their experiences to share effective strategies for teaching English across different cultures.

Residential Seminar: July 27- Aug 9, 2014
All participants will travel to the US and live on the Mount Holyoke College campus to continue their coursework 4 mornings a week. The rest of the time, they will work on homework and group projects and increase their cultural knowledge by attending other college classes, participating in recreational activities and enjoying excursions to Boston and other local attractions.

Online August 10-13, 2014
After the participants leave the campus, they will complete and submit their final assignments through the online course site to be eligible to receive course credit, which can be transferred to other educational institutions.

Roberto Mugnani
Professional and Graduate Education
Mount Holyoke College
Merrill House
50 College Street, South Hadley, MA 01075
phone: 413-538-3450 fax:413-538-3098

Register now for Mount Holyoke Summer Session Courses
Like our Facebook page for program updates

Презентація "Вища освіта в США"

Запрошуємо на презентацію щодо можливостей отримання вищої освіти у США «If you want to study in the US: application and funding», що організовується Консультативним Центром мережі EducationUSA в Інформаційному Центрі "Вікно в Америку". Ви маєте можливість дізнатись про процес вступу до американських вищих навчальних закладів, стипендії для навчання та досліджень, а також про стандартизовані тести (TOEFL, GRE, GMAT та інші). Друга частина презентації присвячена Opportunity Program, яка допомагає покрити витрати на аплікаційний процес: складання стандартизованих тестів, переклад документів та інші витрати, пов’язані з процесом вступу. Коли: 10 квітня о 15.30. Вхід вільний. 
Де: Вінницька ОУНБ ім. К.А. Тімірязєва, Центр "Вікно в Америку".
Якщо у Вас є питання, на усі спробують дати відповідь.
Про зустріч можна дізнатись: 56-27-44.