Saturday, June 27, 2015


You are invited for a discussion "Children as Music of Our Lives" with Natalia M.
Where: Window on America Center.
When: June 27, 2015 at 10.30 am.
More: (0432) 56-27-44.

Щиро дякуємо за співпрацю з волонтером програми Фулбрайт в Україні Lisle Kauffman, за його лідерство і чудові дискусії протягом 2014-2015 рр.
Учасники засідань та працівники Інформаційного Центру "Вікно в Америку" м. Вінниці.

'Kansas City'. A New Book Donation from Lisle Kauffman to WOA's Users

Незабаром на вулицях США з'являться роботи-патрульні

Незабаром на вулицях США з'являться роботи-патрульні. Зробити фантазії голівудських режисерів реальністю, обіцяють розробники американської компанії Knightscope. Вони уже розпочали випробовування нового робота - патрульного, який допоможе поліцейським підтримувати безпеку у торговельних центрах, на стадіонах та в університетських містечках Америки.
У нас в гостях був Даня. Він пішов - і будинок звалився. Усі шурупи витягнув за 10 хвилин мовчки. Вкручували 20 хвилин. Дані 3 роки, майбутній майстер чи будівельник. Хмм, до нього ніхто про це і не задумався. А чому б і ні? Розвиваємо логічне мислення.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Movie Night "Shakespeare in Love"

Movie Night "Shakespeare in Love"

On June 23, 2015 the members of the Movie Club with Natalia Maslavchuk enjoyed watching British-American romantic comedy-drama film directed by John Madden. The film depicts an imaginary love affair involving Viola de Lesseps (Gwyneth Paltrow) and playwright William Shakespeare (Joseph Fiennes) while he was writing Romeo and Juliet. Several characters are based on historical people, and many of the characters, lines, and plot devices allude to Shakespeare's plays. Shakespeare in Love won seven Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best Actress (Gwyneth Paltrow), and Best Supporting Actress (Judi Dench).

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

The English Club 4 Beginners with Kateryna S.

The English Club 4 Beginners with Kateryna S.
We spoke about Montana, a noun and how to enjoy your time in summer.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

A Discussion on 'Stereotypes' with Marie F.

We discussed about stereotypes differentiating the ingroup as positive distinct from outgroups. Key words of this activity: how to prevent/break stereotypes, stereotypes of Ukrainians and French people, faternal assistance to Ukraine, anti-terrorist operation, coup d'etat, what is 'Europe' and "European'. The leader of this discusion: Marie F., EU Youth Services in Ukraine.

Game Time in June

Before 'Game Time' with Maryna T. (FLEX alumna) today. New games, new participants...

Movie Night

Join us for Movie Night with Natalia M. 
Where: WOA Center, Vinnytsia RUR Library named after K.A. Timiriazev.
When: June 23, 2015 at 4.00 pm.

'Lively English' with Kate S.

The leader of the English Club for beginners Kate S. made a presentation on Montana, a state in the Western United States. The state's name is derived from the Spanish word montaña (mountain). Montana has several nicknames, although none official, including "Big Sky Country" and "The Treasure State", and slogans that include "Land of the Shining Mountains" and more recently "The Last Best Place".

A Discussion on 'Multiculturalism: Multicultural Countries and Cities' with Olha S.

A great discussion on 'Multiculturalism: Multicultural Coutries and Cities'.
Can multiculturalism result in a country losing its identity? In a multicultural society, should newcomers do what they can to assimilate into the culture of their new country / city? We discussed about the good things about multiculturalism, a “cultural mosaic", ‘multicultural minority’", ‘multicultural thinking”, what problems multiculturalism brings to a country /city, etc. What about you? Would you prefer your country to be multicultural or of just one culture? What do you think about a situation of multiculturalism in your city today?

English Club
Topic: Multiculturalism, Multicultural Countries and Cities
Leader: Olha S.
June 18, 2015
Multiculturalism describes the existence, acceptance, or promotion of multiple cultural traditions within a single jurisdiction, usually considered in terms of the culture associated with an ethnic group. (2) group differences and similarities related to variations in race, gender, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, physical abilities, social class, age and other socially meaningful categorizations.
1. What springs to mind when you hear the word ‘multiculturalism’? What are the good things about multiculturalism? Is it possible for a country to avoid multiculturalism today? Why / Why not? How would the world be different if there was no multiculturalism in any country? 
2. Do you think multiculturalism will eventually lead to a single world of a mixed race? What is a “cultural mosaic?” What is ‘multicultural minority’? What is ‘multicultural thinking”?
3. Where in the world do you think multiculturalism works best? Do you think multiculturalism can ever be reversed? How does multiculturalism differ from other techniques for managing race and ethnic relations? What nations are on the territory of Ukraine? Do you think that Vinnytsia is a multicultural city? Provide examples of ways your city is inviting to people of color, other nations or people from other Ukrainian cities?
4. Do you think the original culture of a society that has become multicultural like the change? Is multiculturalism good for world peace and understanding? 
5. What problems does multiculturalism bring to a country /city? Would you prefer your country to be multicultural or of just one culture? What do you think about a situation of multiculturalism in your city today?
6. Can multiculturalism result in a country losing its identity? In a multicultural society, should newcomers do what they can to assimilate into the culture of their new country / city?
7. Is multiculturalism a threat to some countries / your country / your city? How good is diversity/multicultural training? The problem of prejudice and discrimination is as old as human history itself. Is it a discouraging and hopeless situation nowadays? Why do people get so upset and emotional about these issues?
Schedule: English Club – Marie F. – June 20, 2015 at 10.30 am. 
Facebook: Vinnytsia Window on America,

Гості дитячої кімнати

Даня у гостях. І знову барикади...

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

June English Club on Multiculturalism

Join us for a discussion on "Multiculturalism: Multicultural Countries and Cities" with Olha S. as a leader.
Where: WOA Center, Vinnytsia RUR named after K.A. Timiriazev.
When: June 18, 2015 at 5.30 pm.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Зустрілися у "Гармоніі". 
Сьогодні відбулося друге заняття з вивчення англійськоі мови. Нашу зустріч на світлині забули зафіксувати, але при виході чекав приємний сюрприз. Юра П. У футболці WOA. 
Чекаємо на нові зустрічі.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Відео танцювального номеру, поставленого українцем Олегом Бонбарчуком для американського шоу America’s got talent зібрало на Youtube за тиждень понад мільйон переглядів.
Ми розпочали наші заняття з англійської в "Гармонії". Запрошуємо усіх бажаючих щопонеділка та щочетверга об 11.00 . На вас чекають цікаві зустрічі.

Sunday Movie Night

Join us for Family Movie Night with Olha M.
Where: WOA Center, Vinnytsia RUR Library named after K.A. Timiriazev. 
When: June 14, 2015 at 3.30 pm.
More: (0432) 56-27-44.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Friday, June 12, 2015

You are invited for a Discussion on Help with Angela B. 
Where: WOA Center, Vinnytsia RUR Library named after K.A. Timiriazev. 
When: June 13, 2015 at 10.30 am.
More: (0432) 56-27-44.


You are invited for a Discussion on Help with Angela B. 
Where: WOA Center, Vinnytsia RUR Library named after K.A. Timiriazev. 
When: June 13, 2015 at 10.30 am.
More: (0432) 56-27-44.