Saturday, December 8, 2012

English Club on "Addictions and Habits"

Fun Fact of the Day: "George Washington was also quite an alcohol manufacturer. In 1798 alone, he produced 11,000 gallons of whiskey" (
1. What is an "addiction"? How does it
differ from a "habit"? Are they at all related or do you think these are two entirely different things? Are they mainly positive or negative? How do they affect those around us?
2. Do you consider yourself "addicted" to something? If so, what is your addiction? Do you think you are addicted to any of the following: social networks, TV, other technological devices, gossiping, food, drink, sleeping; cleaning, gaming, etc.? How might these addictions affect daily life?
3. In addition to such addictions, what do you consider "good" and "bad" habits? Do you have any good habits that you are particularly proud of, or conversely, bad habits that you are trying to change? Do you even want to change your "bad" habits or do you just accept them as part of your character?
4. What do you think are the most common habits and addictions of your peers? Do you think that they differ by age, gender, socio-economic class, or other factors? What divisions can you see in different aspects of your life?
5. What are different ways that people develop habits or become addicted to certain activities? Do you think that sometimes this reliance is intentional or do you think this process is largely accidental? Can you think of any old addictions or habits that you eliminated? How did you do so?
6. Do you consider an over-reliance on technology as more of an addiction or a habit? What do you think would happen in the future if people stopped using mobile phones, for example? Do you think that life would be better and people healthier if they rid themselves of mobiles? Or, contrarily, do you think that communication problems would make this too difficult?
Schedule: Please put topic ideas in the Suggestion Box!
Thursday, 13 December at 5:30, 15 December at 10:30

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