Thursday, December 27, 2012

English Club on Fashion and Trends

 Topic: Fashion and Trends
Fun Fact of the Day: “There are 182 places in the U.S. that have the word ‘Christmas’ in their names” (
Introduction about “Trace Effects”: A video game for learning American English and culture! 
1. What is “fashion”? How do people influence fashion? How does fashion influence us? How important is “style” to you? What is the difference between fashion and style? What iconic “fashionistas” do you know? Do you like to follow fashion trends?
2. Does fashion have an important impact on youth? Do you think there are certain clothing styles that younger individuals should avoid? How important are uniforms in school? Do you think that uniforms are a good or bad idea?
3. Do you have a uniform at work? What kind of clothing regulations do you have to follow? Do you think this promotes an atmosphere of equality between co-workers? If you do not have clothing regulations, do you think you should? Is your work attire drastically different than in your personal life?
4. In contrast to daily life, what types of clothing do people tend to wear at special holidays? What clothing rules exist at weddings, for example? Does the type of wedding determine specific dress or are there general guidelines in place at all times? Do you like ceremonial attire?
5. Aside from clothing and fashion, what other popular trends exist right now? What do you think makes these trends successful? How are they spread and promoted? Do you participate in any of these popular trends? Why is it meaningful to you?
6. What trends from the past do you think will become popular again? What current trends do you think will become obsolete in the future? What causes these trends to come and go? Who is responsible for their success or failure? Is there any kind of trend you would like to invent yourself or promote?
Saturday, 29 December at 10:30
Thursday, 03 January at 5:30 - Holiday Party! Please bring some snacks to share!

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