Thursday, February 28, 2013

WHAT IF...? English Club with Beth Ann Ciaravolo /Fulbright Program/

Today's English Club meeting was led by Beth Ann Ciaravolo, Fulbright Program Representative in Ukraine. It was the first Ann's time to try herself as a leader of Club's activity at Information Center "Window on America".
Ann has proposed  for attendees the following questions:
1. Do you ever think about the impact that individual events have on our lives? Is there one event in your life you wish hadn't happened? Is there one event that never happened but you wish it had? How would your life be  different if you could change that event?
2. If you won a million dollars, what would you do with it? How much would you give to your family and friends? To charity? Would you save it? Or spend it? What would you spend it on?
3. If you could find out when and how you would die, but you could not change it, would you want to know? Why or why not? If you learned you were going to die tomorrow, what would you do today?
4. If you found a wallet that had a thousand dollars in it and an I.D. card, what would you do? Why?
5. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live and why? What if you could only take one person with you? What if you would never be able to return home? Would this change your decision?
6. If you could be invisible for a day, what would you do?
7. If you could trade lives with anyone for a day, who would it be and why?
8. If you could go back in time, what year would you visit? Why?
9. If you could rule the world for one day, what would you do?
10. If you could have one superpower, what would it be and why?
11. If you could look in the future to find out about one thing, would you do it? What would you want to know?
12.If you could rid the world of one evil, but all the others would remain, which evil would you choose? Why?
13. Before you make a decision to do something, do you try to think about all the consequences of your actions, or do you tend to act without thinking? Which is the better way to live, and why? What about looking back at things which happened in the past? Is there some benefit to thinking about these things, or is it best to forget about them?

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


A Program of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA), U.S. Department of State, and implemented by IREX TEACHING EXCELLENCE AND ACHIEVEMENT PROGRAM (TEA)
A Program of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA), U.S. Department of State, and implemented by IREX Eligibility
Current secondary level, full time teachers with five or more years of classroom experience in disciplines including:
English or English as a Foreign Language (EFL)
Social Studies
Citizens of and residents in
Proficient in written and spoken English with based TOEFL score of 450 or higher.
Continue teaching after completion of the program;
and Have submitted a complete application.
A limited number of Fellows with TOEFL between 425 and 450 will be
accepted for the program into a special cohort with additional English
language training included in the professional development program.
The Teaching Excellence and Achievement Program (TEA) provides international teachers with unique opportunities to develop expertise in their subject areas, enhance their teaching skills, and increase their knowledge about the United States. TEA consists of a six.week, customized academic program including seminars on new teaching methodologies, curriculum development, lesson planning, and instructional technology. Participants will also participate in a practicum in a U.S. secondary school near the host university to work closely with U.S. teachers and teach and present to U.S. students. Cultural enrichment, mentoring, and support will be provided throughout the program. The international participants will travel to the United States in two cohorts of approximately 80 teachers each in spring or fall 2014.
Upon returning home, TEA program alumni are eligible to apply for small grants for essential teaching materials, follow.on training for other teachers, collaborative projects between schools in their home country and the United States, and other activities that build on their U.S. experience.

English Teen Club discusses today

On Wednesday, 27th February Dasha B. led a club on pronunciation. This time all the members of the club were able to learn how to pronounce words correctly, they have also learnt some differences between American and British accents. There were some exercises to review new material. At the end of the club Dasha shared a funny video about improving one's accent. This topic was indeed useful for everybody, as pronouncing words correctly make foreigners sound more fluent.

Конкурс за Програмою імені Фулбрайта

Триває прийом заявок на черговий щорічний конкурс за Програмою  імені Фулбрайта  для студентів старших курсів та випускників вищих навчальних закладів  Fulbright Graduate Student Program
Кінцевий термін подання заявок - 16 травня 2013
Програма пропонує можливість навчання в американських університетах від одного до двох років на здобуття ступеня магістра. Кандидати повинні мати щонайменше диплом бакалавра на час призначення стипендії.
Галузі спеціалізації: гуманітарні, соціальні, точні, технічні та природничі дисципліни.
Детальна інформація та анкета на сайті:

Радимо переглянути відгуки учасників минулих років, що розміщені на сторінках Фулбрайтівських Щорічників та на Fulbright Ukraine у Facebook.
Списки цьогорічних стипендіатів та програми їх навчання викладено у Фулбрайтівському віснику 2012/13:   

CO.NX Upcoming Programs - March, 2013

Study in the USA Presentation of Women’s Colleges: Smith College – NEW!
Thursday, March 7, 2013
07:00 EST (12:00 UTC / 18:00 Astana)
Live webchat URL:
Description: Learn about how you can study in the USA as an international student! Join a live webchat with academic advisers and admissions officers from American colleges and universities. Meredith McDill, Admissions Officer from Smith College, will give a presentation and answer your questions online about this prestigious all-women’s college. Format: This program will be a video webchat in English. Please click on the URL above and enter the room as a ‘Guest’ to participate.

Creative Funding Solutions for Startups: Crowdfunding
Thursday, March 7, 2013
10:00 EST (15:00 UTC)

Description: Attention entrepreneurs! Do you know what crowdfunding is, or how to leverage it to support your startup business venture? For creative tips and tools for funding startups, join Jessica Jackley, co-founder and Chief Marketing Officer of Kiva, a non-profit working to alleviate poverty through lending to microfinance institutions; Sherwood (Woodie) Neiss, co-founder of Crowdfund Capital Advisors (CCA) and co-author of Crowdfund Investing for Dummies; and webchat moderator Shelly Porges, Senior Advisor for the U.S. Department of State’s Global Entrepreneurship Program!
Format: This program will be a video webchat in English. Please click on the URL above to participate. Follow the conversation on Twitter by using the hashtag #startup and mentioning @CONX.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

A Project "Human Library" Reaches Our Center

Проект "Жива Бібліотека" наразі стає популярним не тільки у Данії. Долаючи кордони, він завітав і до нашого міста, безпосередньо до Вінницького Центру "Вікно в Америку". І очолили його 13 волонтерів Корпусу Миру США, які приїхали свого часу з різних штатів. Погортати сторінки "живих книг" прийшли представники різних поколінь. І кожному було цікаво дізнатись дещо цікавеньке про США. Після коротких презентацій волонтери завзято розповідали у дружньому колі охочих cвої історії про світське життя, про національні парки, про навчання, про все те, що цікавило вимогливого користувача. І таки справді. За якусь мить ти дізнаєшся більше, ніж очікував. Як зазначив один з викладачів: "Проект цікавий і неординарний. Сподіваємось, що наступного разу нас гостинно зустрінуть у більшій кімнаті". І не дивно... 72 учасника та 13 волонтерів влаштували свято... Свято прочитання книги. Завершилась зустріч солодким частуванням тих, хто був самим активним читачем. Що може так швидко поєднати нас? Спільна ідея, спільне бажання вдосконалювати навички спілкування англійською, а ще, мабуть, прагнення спілкуватись один з одним. Ось так, у дружньому колі. Таки бібліотека справді перетворюється на те місце, де "я хочу бути". І це мій вибір. Чи варто цьому заперечувати? Чекаємо і на Вас.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

English Club on a Family

Питання «Чи у моді наразі сімейні цінності? Гестаційний кур’єр» зацікавило користувачів Вінницького Інформаційного Центру «Вікно в Америку». Лідером сьогоднішньої зустрічі Клубу Спілкування англійською мовою став викладач однієї з вищих шкіл нашого міста Ігор Стрєлков, який запропонував до обговорення тему сім’ї. 

Найбільше зацікавлення та неоднозначність під час дискусії викликало наступне питання: What is your opinion about “non-conventional” families? What do you think about surrogacy? Would you consider surrogacy or adoption for starting a family, with or without a spouse? Have you heard of the “child free family” movement? What do you think this means and what is your opinion about this trend?

Як завжди на початку зустрічі цікаві факти з життя США. 

Запрошуємо до дискусії й тих, хто не зміг до нас сьогодні приєднатись:

Leader: Igor Strelkov
Fun Fact of the day: “Cheeseburgers were first served in 1934 at Kaolin’s restaurant in Louisville, Kentucky” (
1. What is “family”? How important is “family” for our development and generally in our daily lives? How do families instill “values” into individuals? What family values do you think are the most important? Is there one value you that consider the most essential?
2. How are families most commonly formed? Do you think that there need to be two parents in a family? Is it important for parents to be married or can two people choose to live together and be happy without this official status? Would a non-married couple have a different effect on their children? If a couple decided to divorce, how should they take care of their children? Should a couple make every effort to stay together “for their children”?
3. Is there a “best age” to start a family? Is there a “best number” of children to have? Do you think there is a “best structure” for a family? Do you think one parent should bear more responsibility in a family, and if so, why? How important is equality vs. division of responsibility? What do you think parents should have accomplished in their lives before starting a family? Is it important to have a higher education and a good job before even getting married? 
4. What is your opinion about “non-conventional” families? What do you think about surrogacy? Would you consider surrogacy or adoption for starting a family, with or without a spouse? Have you heard of the “child free family” movement? What do you think this means and what is your opinion about this trend?
5. Do you think that government support for having two or more children in a family is a good or bad incentive? How do you think this allowance affects individuals’ decisions about having children? Do you know of other countries with this system? Does it affect a parent’s ability to support their children, in either a positive or negative way? Do you think parents have a responsibility to support their children into adulthood, in a financial manner? Why or why not?
6. Do you think that methods for raising children have changed over the past 20 or 50 years? How do you think family life and family structures will change over the next century? What is your perfect vision for “family”? 
Schedule: Please put topic ideas in the Suggestion Box!
Saturday, 23 February at 12:30: SPECIAL CLUB, “Living Library” about America with PCVs

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Зустріч з Катериною Жупановою, координатором випускників програми FLEX

Як підготуватися до ЗНО і зберегти здоровий глузд?
Де баланс між "треба" і "дійсно треба" в навчанні?
Чи можна жити власним життям, коли навколо всі намагаються навчити тебе, як ти маєш поводитися, яку музику слухати, як виглядати і як бути хорошим для кого завгодно, окрім себе?

Людина, яка пройшла крізь всі ці речі (і ще купу інших, хороших і болісних, але, найголовніше, - цікавих) й нарешті має думки з приводу того, як знаходити ключі до, здавалося б, складних життєвих питань запрошує вас на щиру дискусію. Зустріч з Катериною Жупановою, координатором випускників програми FLEX у Центральній Україні, студенткою КНУ ім. Тараса Шевченка та просто щасливою людиною відбудеться 2 березня о 12,30 за адресою вул. Соборна 70 , Вінницька ОУНБ ім. К.А. Тімірязєва, Центр "Вікно в Америку", 3 поверх. Якщо ти навчаєшся в 10-му або 11-му класі, - тебе запрошено!
Кількість місць обмежена!
Де: м. Вінниця, 70 Соборна, Вінницька ОУНБ ім. К.А. Тімірязєва, Інформаційний Центр "Вікно в Америку".
Початок: 2 березня о 14:30.
Закінчення: 2 березня о 15:30.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

CO.NX Program

Disability Rights: Q&A Discussion with Ari Ne’eman and Sarah Amin
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
09:00am EST (14:00 UTC)
Description: What is daily life like for Americans with disabilities? Are you curious about what resources and options the United States provides citizens with disabilities? Join us for a captioned Q&A discussion with Ari Ne’eman, President of the Autistic Self Advocacy Network, and Sarah Amin, Research Associate at the National Endowment for Democracy. Ari and Sara look forward to discussing their successes and challenges, and taking your online questions.
Format: This program will be an interactive video webcast in English with captions available. Please click on the URL above to participate. Follow the conversation on Twitter by using the hashtag #DisabilityRights.

Monday, February 18, 2013

A Reminder

Please remember that our club on Saturday is at a special time, from 12:30-2:00! We are having a "Living library" session about America! There will be at least 10 other Peace Corps Volunteers present. We will each have small presentations and then answer all your questions in small groups!
We looking forward to seeing you there! Please let me know if you have any questions.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Plan to Spend Your Special Days With Us

English Club on "Reactions, Emotions, and Anger"

Reactions, Emotions, and Anger
Fun Fact of the Day: “The first motion picture theater opened in Los Angeles on April 2, 1902” ( 
1. What is “conflict”? How does conflict differ from “arguments” or “disagreements”? What factors or situations commonly cause conflict? Do you think that conflict is inevitable? If not, how can you avoid conflicts, and could avoidance lead to further problems down the line?
 2. How are “emotions” related to conflicts? Can emotions cause conflicts to heighten or maybe even resolve them? When having a conflict, is it possible to control your emotions and your reactions? Is there a way to limit a conflict based on diminishing personal responses to conflicting situations? 
3. How do you respond to conflicts? Do you think conflicts are always negative? When should you try to solve conflicts and how can you best solve them? What conflicts exist in your life on a typical basis and how do your emotions play a part in them? Do you have different conflicts at work, school, in the family, between neighbors, etc.? What is the last conflict you had and why did it occur in the first place? 
4. Do you think it is possible to use another person, or a “third party” to help you solve conflicts and problems? Would you rather seek help from a professional or a friend? Do you think that talking about problems helps to solve them? How can discussing problems help with understanding your emotions? Can talking to others be a “reaction” or solution to conflict? 
5. How are conflicts related to “anger”? What is anger? How often do you get angry? What is your opinion about people who get angry or upset easily? Can you avoid conflict with such individuals? When is the last time that you got angry and why do you think this happened? Did a conflict result from your emotions? 
6. How is violence often associated with anger and conflicts? What do you think promotes violence within a culture? Do you think that there is a problem with violence in our city? How can you avoid violence when dealing with an angry or conflict-driven person? 
Schedule: Please put topic ideas in the Suggestion Box! 
Thursday, 21 February at 5:30- let me know if you want to lead! 
Saturday, 23 February at 12:30- SPECIAL CLUB time, “Living Library,” with 10+ PCVs

Friday, February 15, 2013

A Debate "What is Beauty?"

The members of English Club had a chance to start their debate on "What is Beauty?". The fastest way to transform your mind is to surround yourself with beauty. Interesting and compelling, isn’t it! Beauty. We all want it, gravitate to it, seek it out, admire it, strive to surround ourselves with it, and sacrifice to embody it. But could it be that what is pleasing to the eye is more than just visual eye-candy? What if beauty were a force, a power that could change your life? What if beauty held within it the seeds of a greater growth and inspirational quality of life? Let's start this debate with us right now.

Fun Fact of the Day: “More than 35 million heart-shaped boxes of chocolate will be sold for Valentine’s Day” ( Happy Valentine’s Day!
Debate: “What is beauty”?
Divide into 2 Teams and a 3-Person Jury
1. Team division, planning, and initial argument formation. 10 minutes.

 2. Teams present their initial arguments, and plan their opening statements. 10 minutes (5 for presentation and 5 for additional planning).
3. Opening statements. 10 minutes (5 minutes each).
 4. Plan counter statements. 5 minutes.
5. Counter statements. 10 minutes (5 minutes each).
6. Plan responses to counter statements. 5 minutes.
7. Responses to counter statements. 10 minutes (5 minutes each).
 8. Plan closing arguments. 5 minutes.
9. Closing arguments. 10 minutes (5 minutes each).
10. Review and verdict. 5 minutes.
Total time: 80 minutes.
Saturday, 16 February at 10:30
Thursday, 21 February at 5:30

Monday, February 11, 2013

Let's Discuss "Differences and How to Deal with Them"

Fun Fact of the Day: “19th President, Rutherford B. Hayes was the first to use a phone. Apparently, his telephone number was 1” (
1. What are “differences,” and how often are we confronted with varying attitudes and new encounters everyday? How do people “differ” within a society as well as cross-culturally? Have you made any new and interesting acquaintances or friends lately? What impressed you about their personalities? Do you have any key differences in values or mindset?
 2. What is your favorite cultural tradition and why do you like it? Have you ever taken part in traditions from other countries? What differences made them unique or interesting, in your opinion? Do you think that mother countries instill different belief systems and emotions in their citizens? If you immigrated to a new place, do you think that you would adopt a new mentality?
3. How do lifestyles and employment (or unemployment) affect each person differently? Are there common characteristics and results from them too? How do you think “healthy” lifestyles affect specific individuals vs. the greater society? How can you achieve a fully healthy lifestyle? Similarly, how does the stress of employment affect individuals vs. a collective group?
4. Do you think that there’s a connection between mental and emotional states, i.e. the brain and heart, or do you think that they are totally different when making decisions? Do you usually “think with your head” or “follow your heart” when making major or life-changing changes? Is there a way to match them, or are they really too different?
5. Is “happiness” purely personal, or do you think there are specific things that can make everyone happy to a certain degree? If so, what do you think can cause collective happiness? What makes you the happiest? Do things that make you happy now significantly differ from what made you happy in a different stage of your life? If so, why do you think this changed?
6. Do you agree that specific preferences and “likes” can label a person’s characteristics? Do you think that preferences, such as favorite food or animal, can create differences amongst friends and colleagues? Are cat vs. dog lovers truly different in the end? How can these basic preferences affect friendships and relationships?
7. Do you believe that life is the “best teacher” for all individuals? How does daily life affect us all differently? How do our jobs, relationships, family, friends, etc. form our unique characters? How can we learn from our life experiences to create positive changes for our futures?
Schedule: Please put topic ideas in the Suggestion Box!
Thursday, 14 February at 5:30
Saturday, 16 February at 10:30

Friday, February 8, 2013

At the Crossroads of Freedom and Equality: The Emancipation Proclamation and the March on Washington

"At the Crossroads of Freedom and Equality: The Emancipation Proclamation and the March on Washington"

February 2013
Black History Month is an opportunity to celebrate the achievements and contributions to U.S. society of African Americans.
The Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH) has selected "At the Crossroads of Freedom and Equality: The Emancipation Proclamation and the March on Washington" as the 2013 theme for Black History Month.
On January 1, 1863, the Emancipation Proclamation set the United States on the path of ending slavery. A wartime measure issued by President Abraham Lincoln, the proclamation freed relatively few slaves, but it fueled the fire of the enslaved to strike for their freedom.
In 1963, a century later, America once again stood at the crossroads. Nine years earlier, the U.S. Supreme Court had outlawed racial segregation in public schools, but the nation had not yet committed itself to equality of citizenship. On August 28, 1963, hundreds of thousands of Americans marched to the memorial of Abraham Lincoln, the author of the Emancipation Proclamation, in the continuing pursuit of equality of citizenship and self-determination. It was on this occasion that Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his celebrated "I Have a Dream" speech. Just as the Emancipation Proclamation had recognized the coming end of slavery, the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom announced that the days of legal segregation in the United States were numbered.

Materials on U.S. Civil Rights and the March on Washington
Music Inspired Courage During Civil Rights Era
Martin Luther King's Words Still Inspire Debate
Before Occupy Movement, the Poor People's Campaign
Dedicating the King Memorial
Thousands Gather to Dedicate King Memorial
Photo Gallery
The U.S. Civil Rights Movement
The Life and Legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.
In Brief:
Memorial Honors Life of Martin Luther King Jr.
Continuing the Work of Martin Luther King Jr.
Singing for Freedom
Video of Freedom Singers at White House
Remarks by President at Celebration of Music from the Civil Rights Movement
Materials on African-American Female Changemakers
eJournal USA: Making Their Mark: Black Women Leaders
Entrepreneur Engineers Her Own Success
Remembering "Extra Special" Space Shuttle Flight
Ursula Burns' Path to Success in the Fortune 500
Michelle Obama Presents Modern Image for Black Women
Little Rock Nine Member and Daughter Relive Struggle, Victory
The Immortal Cells of Henrietta Lacks
African-American Sumayya Ali a Rising Opera Star
Actress Jurnee Smollett: HIV/AIDS Activist
Photo Galleries:
A New Generation of Black Women Leaders
Visionaries: African Americans Tell Their Stories
Association for the Study of African American Life and History
The ASALH Bookshelf showcases the work, scholarly and popular, of ASALH members on the xperiences of Africans and peoples of the African Diaspora. If the book is currently available online via the ASALH Store or, they will make every attempt to include it on the Bookshelf.
National Museum of African American History and Culture Black History Videos March on Washington Video
For English Language Learners ECA Publications
Martin Luther King Jr. Day - a 6-page booklet about the life of Martin Luther King

Thursday, February 7, 2013

The News IQ Quiz

Do you know more about the news than the average American?

The Exchange Teacher program

The Exchange Teacher program arranges for certified professional teachers to serve as temporary paid faculty at primary and secondary levels. International teachers can be assigned for up to three years at a school. Our international teachers currently educate American students in a variety of fields including foreign languages, bilingual education, math, science and special education. Most positions are in foreign language immersion schools and elementary schools where qualified exchange teachers teach all subjects in their native language. The cultural aspect of the program allows participants to gain deeper knowledge in American teaching methodology and offers the participant to sharpen English skills. Participants are required to return home at the end of their exchange program and share their experience.

A New Successful Discussion on Languages and Accents

Thursday, 07 February
Topic: Languages and Accents
Leader: Pasha
Fun Fact of the Day: "18th President, Ulysses S. Grant was fined $20 for speeding in his horse and carriage" (
1. What is "language"? What languages have you studied? How well can you read, write, and speak in each of them? How old were you when you began these studies and what methods did you use to learn them? Do you think that age affects a person's ability to learn a new language?What do you think is the best way to really learn a language?
2. Which language do you think is the most difficult to learn and why? Do you think it is ever possible to speak a foreign language like a native? If so, how can you achieve this fluency?
3. What do you find most difficult about learning English? Why do you want to improve your English? Do you attend club fot personal pleasure, or to increase your English abilities for work, school, travel, etc.? What motivates you to study this language?
4. Do you think you learn more English inside or outside the classroom? What do you do on your own to improve your English? In what major ways is English grammar different from the grammar of your native language?
5. Do you like to listen to music in other languages? Do you make an effort to understand the words? Are some languages more beautiful to listen to than others? If so, which ones? Are there any languages that you really do not like the sound of? Why? Similarly, how often do you read in another language? What kinds of things do you read and why?
6. Have you ever had a solid friendship with someone who had a different first language? What languages do you use to communicate? How does language affect relationships? How is your personality different when you speak another language? For example, are you more or less outgoing? Do you think you can be fully true to your character?
7. How do people who come from different regions of your country speak differently? What kinds of judgments do you make about people based on their accent or dialect? What is the difference between "accent" and "dialect"? Do accents and dialects tell you about someone's education, background, or income? What do you think about your own accent?
Schedule: Please put topic ideas in the Suggestion Box!
Saturday, 09 February at 10:30
Thursday, 14 February at 5:30

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Monday, February 4, 2013

Національні слухання Міжнародної доповіді про стан молодіжної політики України

1 лютого 2013 року у Державній службі молоді та спорту України відбулися національні слухання Міжнародної доповіді про стан молодіжної політики України. Відбулось представлення Міжнародного звіту "Молодіжна політика України" на всеукраїнському рівні, у якому взяли участь представники державних та громадських установ сфери молодіжної політики, з якими зустрічалася команда міжнародних експертів під час проведення огляду. Україна є 19-ю країною, яка отримала оцінку експертів і найбільшою з тих, які були оцінені. 

Міжнародний звіт було підготовлено за результатами міжнародного огляду молодіжної політики України, проведеного командою міжнародних оглядачів Ради Європи протягом 2012 р. Серед експертів Ради Європи – учасників Національних слухань – Енн Ківімае (голова департаменту молоді Міністерства освіти та досліджень Естонії, член Європейського керівного комітету молоді Ради Європи, голова команди міжнародних оглядачів (Естонія), Говард Вільямсон (координатор проведення Міжнародного огляду, дослідник з молодіжних питань університету Гламорган (Великобританія) та Єва Кжаклевська (доповідач, вчена-дослідник питань молоді з Ягеллонського університету (Польща). 

У своїй презентації Єва Кжаклевська ознайомила з результатами річного дослідження, зосереджуючись на національних пріоритетах в Україні щодо молодіжної політики. Ключовими поняттями дослідження експертів стали здоровий спосіб життя серед молоді, працевлаштування та патріотичне виховання. Посилення ініціативності молодих людей, оптимізація лідерського духу, послаблення патерналістської опіки, соціальна ексклюзія в Україні, питання формування та реалізації молодіжної політики, Європейської інтеграції, статевої нерівності, стратегічне планування, розробка методології змагання, пріоритети державної політики, нарощування молодіжного потенціалу тощо визначили процес та актуальність міжнародного огляду. Поза увагою залишилось вивчення такого чинника як освіта та самоосвіта молоді, оскільки він не був пріоритетним у ході досліджень. На думку оглядачів, відсутність практичної підготовки до життя та прив’язки до майбутнього визначили низку рекомендацій щодо покращення молодіжної політики в Україні. 

Після презентації основних ключових питань та пріоритетів, на які звернули увагу члени команди міжнародних оглядачів, а також окреслення відповідних рекомендацій, було відведено час для питань та обговорення окремих питань, зокрема визначення вікового цензу поняття «молодь». 

Голова Державної служби молоді та спорту України Равіль Сафіуллін зазначив, що напрацювання за результатами огляду в подальшому будуть використані в реалізації державної молодіжної політики України, а також в процесі проведення заходів, які заплановані на 2013-2014 рр.. спільно з Радою Європи. 

Перегляд звіту та внесення до нього коментарів і відгуків, отриманих під час проведення Національних слухань та наданих Урядом країни, що приймала Огляд, та публікація звіту Радою Європи та його розповсюдження серед країн-членів Ради Європи, розміщення електронної версії звіту на порталі Ради Європи буде здійснено міжнародними оглядачами після доопрацювання.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Guests and New Users of the Center

Emil G. (a writer from Finnland, Tampere) and Eugene L. (a doctor from Israel)
It makes you feel really happy. Especialy, when you visit a new country, get to know more on it, and then later a representative of this country comes to your place, even a foreigner whom you've never met in your life, so unexpectedly, and begins to tell about places you've visited. Hmm, sometimes wonders are behind your back. This country is your guest today. It keeps a smile and, no doubt, warm memories. 

Would You Like to Discuss...

The first question that I am always asked when I talk about core values is, what are they? This is a great question and a good place for us to start. Core values are those things that we believe are more important than anything else. It is exactly this belief that gives the values their power to motivate. So, let's speak about this values. What does it mean 'to feel happy' to you? 
Topic: Happiness, Professions, and Making an Impact
Fun Fact of the Day: "8th President, Martin Van Buren was the first born a U.S. citizen" (
1. What is your "profession"? How did you choose this profession? Do you think that you really had a choice or did your profession choose you in some way? Did you feel like you had a "calling" to pursue this profession? If you are still a student, what profession do you hope to have someday?
2. Do you think that a person can possess certain characteristics that make them appealing for specific professions? If so, can you give examples of this matching? Is there a way to make yourself appealing to "headhunters"? What exactly are "headhunters" and how do they play a role in our professional lives?
3. Do you consider yourself as a leader at work or in school? If so, how did you become a leader? Do you consider yourself as a "charismatic" person? How important is charisma in leadership? Do you think that leaders can ever develop a negative "superiority" complex? If so, how can you avoid this trend?
4. In your opinion, does a particular profession or career path lead to "happiness"? How important is happiness in your work or studies? How can unhappiness affect your productivity? What steps can you take professionally to try to ensure your future happiness? Is being happy ever a guarantee, or is it more the product of hard work and patience?
5. Does your current or maybe ideal profession, if it differs, involve the Internet? How has the Internet changed the "job hunt" around the world? How often do you use the Internet and what exactly do you use it for the most?
6. Instead of searching on the Internet, does your profession require you to travel? If so, do you enjoy this or is it more of a hassle since you're travelling for work? If you have travelled for work, where was the most interesting place you visited?
7. Can your profession help you make an "impact" in your world? Can professional success lead to a "legacy"? If so, is this important to you? How can you try to ensure the best impact and legacy possible? Would your aim of this impact be more personal or collective? How could you help people who fill this role after you?
Schedule: Please put topic ideas in the Suggestion Box!
Thursday, 07 February at 5:30
Saturday, 09 February at 10:30