Thursday, February 21, 2013

English Club on a Family

Питання «Чи у моді наразі сімейні цінності? Гестаційний кур’єр» зацікавило користувачів Вінницького Інформаційного Центру «Вікно в Америку». Лідером сьогоднішньої зустрічі Клубу Спілкування англійською мовою став викладач однієї з вищих шкіл нашого міста Ігор Стрєлков, який запропонував до обговорення тему сім’ї. 

Найбільше зацікавлення та неоднозначність під час дискусії викликало наступне питання: What is your opinion about “non-conventional” families? What do you think about surrogacy? Would you consider surrogacy or adoption for starting a family, with or without a spouse? Have you heard of the “child free family” movement? What do you think this means and what is your opinion about this trend?

Як завжди на початку зустрічі цікаві факти з життя США. 

Запрошуємо до дискусії й тих, хто не зміг до нас сьогодні приєднатись:

Leader: Igor Strelkov
Fun Fact of the day: “Cheeseburgers were first served in 1934 at Kaolin’s restaurant in Louisville, Kentucky” (
1. What is “family”? How important is “family” for our development and generally in our daily lives? How do families instill “values” into individuals? What family values do you think are the most important? Is there one value you that consider the most essential?
2. How are families most commonly formed? Do you think that there need to be two parents in a family? Is it important for parents to be married or can two people choose to live together and be happy without this official status? Would a non-married couple have a different effect on their children? If a couple decided to divorce, how should they take care of their children? Should a couple make every effort to stay together “for their children”?
3. Is there a “best age” to start a family? Is there a “best number” of children to have? Do you think there is a “best structure” for a family? Do you think one parent should bear more responsibility in a family, and if so, why? How important is equality vs. division of responsibility? What do you think parents should have accomplished in their lives before starting a family? Is it important to have a higher education and a good job before even getting married? 
4. What is your opinion about “non-conventional” families? What do you think about surrogacy? Would you consider surrogacy or adoption for starting a family, with or without a spouse? Have you heard of the “child free family” movement? What do you think this means and what is your opinion about this trend?
5. Do you think that government support for having two or more children in a family is a good or bad incentive? How do you think this allowance affects individuals’ decisions about having children? Do you know of other countries with this system? Does it affect a parent’s ability to support their children, in either a positive or negative way? Do you think parents have a responsibility to support their children into adulthood, in a financial manner? Why or why not?
6. Do you think that methods for raising children have changed over the past 20 or 50 years? How do you think family life and family structures will change over the next century? What is your perfect vision for “family”? 
Schedule: Please put topic ideas in the Suggestion Box!
Saturday, 23 February at 12:30: SPECIAL CLUB, “Living Library” about America with PCVs

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