Sunday, March 17, 2013

English Club on 'Advice, Actions, and Words'

Who is the best adviser for you in various situations? It seems, the right answer depends on you, doesn't it? Sometimes it is better to speak with yourself first and then (if you insist) to search the answer aside. Let's discuss this topic together. Perhaps, you are of other mind...
Topic: Advice, Actions, and Words
Fun Fact of the Day: "During the election of 1828, politics got personal when Andrew Jackson's opponents called him a jackass. He gleefully adopted the image for the Democratic Party: a donkey!" (
1. Do you read "problem pages" in magazines and newspapers?. Do you think that the letters are genuine? Would you follow any of the "advice" given in such,pages? Have you even submitted a problem question to an anonymous source, or would you do so in the future? What are the most common "problems" and "solutions" discussed in these pages?

2. Do you always tell the truth? How do you feel if you tell a lie? What kind of expressions, gestures, or body postures might reveal that someone is lying?! How can you give a person advice if he or she often lies? Can you ever trust someone who has lied to you?
3. How have people's concepts of manners changed over generations? What are the most important things that children should be taught about manners? What advice would you give to an individual who has bad manners? Would you tell them or rather show them better manners, or is it better to avoid discussing this issue at all?
4. Why do you think that many people nowadays claim that they are stressed all the time? What advice would you give someone who is dealing with a lot of stress? Would you try to help this person, and if so, how? When іs the last time that you felt stressed? Were you given any advice in this situation? How did you solve your problem?
5. Do you think that "spending habits" accurately show a person's character? Can you tell what a person is like and what they like to do based on what they buy? Would you give advice to a friend or acquaintance who spends a lot of money? Is it helpful to advise them to spend less, or would this cause other problems? Have you ever gone on a "spending spree"? If so, what did you buy and why did you do this?
6. Do you consider society today as "segregated"? What divisions can you see between economical classes, genders, etc.? Do you think that there are many major problems associated with this segregation? How could you make a society less.segregated? What advice and actions would be needed to do so?

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