Saturday, March 30, 2013

English Club on 'Have You Ever Thought About Health?'

Have you heard of any interesting or unique ways to increase or improve a person’s health? Perhaps, everybody has his own answer on this question. No doubt, there is a difference between “physical”, “emotional”, “psychological”, and “spiritual” person’s health. There are some links between these various definitions. But in fact, physical disorders lead to psychological or emotional unwellness. As a result, it ruins a human in general. It was a topic for the discussion at English Club on March, 30 2013 leading by PCV Mila H.

Fun Fact of the Day: A German map maker accidentally named the continent “America,” after explorer Amerigo Vespucci, who make four voyages to the “New World.” Vespucci never suggested giving the land his name, but it was eventually named with the female form of ‘Amerigo,’ though he never knew about this honor (
1. What do you think of when you hear the world “health”? What is your personal definition of health? What aspects of our lives involve health and “wellness”? When do you feel the healthiest? Does your health directly relate to a time of day or a particular season? How can you try to stay healthy in all seasons?
2. What “home remedies” do you use when you are ill? Have you heard of any interesting or unique ways to increase or improve a person’s health? How did you get healthy again the last time you were sick? Did you purchase medicine or try to use home remedies? What works best for you and what methods do you think are the healthiest?
3. Is there a difference between “physical,” “emotional,” and “psychological” health, or are they all interconnected in your opinion? What affects our daily lives more? How does our way of life and general lifestyles alter our overall health? Is there a “best” lifestyle to have?
4. Do you think that a physical ailment can lead to an emotional or psychological one, or viceversa? Do you think that a person can plan or cause disease of some kind? Do “negative thoughts” lead to illness? If you think you will get sick, do you think that an illness will result from these thoughts? How could the “power of positive thinking” help us stay healthy?
5. What activities do you think have the highest affect on a person’s health, in both a positive and negative manner? How is overall health (physical, emotional, and psychological) affected by smoking and alcohol, for example? How is it affected by sports, use of technology, gaming, friendships, relationships, etc.? What activities should you avoid, and what balance of activities should you try to achieve in your life?
6. Do you think that there is a 100% healthy person? If so, how do you think they became this healthy? How can you try to be the healthiest at any stage in your life? Do you think that health standards and activities should vary by age? If so, how? Is there anything about your life that you would like to change to make yourself healthier?
Thursday, 04 April at 5:30
Saturday, 06 April at 10:30

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