Thursday, May 30, 2013

A Debate on 'Friendship' at the Center

Topic: Debate!
Debate: “Friendship”
Suggested Points: What is friendship? What makes a person a good friend? Is friendship dependent on time or place? Can a friendship last across a great distance? Do friends need to meet regularly to be real friends? How many real friends can a person have and how do you know they are true? Is friendship between a man and woman possible? How can friendship change you?

Divide into 2 Teams and a 3-Person Jury

1. Introductions and team divisions. 10 minutes.
2. Argument formation: 1 main thesis per group. 10 minutes.
3. Opening statements. 10 minutes (5 minutes each).
4. Plan counter statements. 5 minutes.
5. Counter statements. 10 minutes (5 minutes each).
6. Plan closing arguments. 5 minutes.
7. Closing arguments. 10 minutes (5 minutes each).
8. Review and verdict. 10 minutes.
Total time: 70 minutes.
Saturday, 01 June at 10:30
Thursday, 06 June at 5:30

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