Sunday, May 19, 2013

English Club on Medicine and Healing

 Topic: Medicine and Healing
Fun Fact of the Day: “The seven rays on the crown of the Statue of Liberty represent the seven continents. Each measures up to 9 feet in length and weights as much as 150 pounds” (
1. What is “medicine”? What kind of medicine do you prefer and why? How has “modern” medicine changed they way that people are treated for illnesses and diseases? Do you think that modernmedical practices are effective and beneficial? Have medical developments lead to an improved standard of life or longer life span? Does a longer life necessarily imply improved health? Why or why not?
2. What is your attitude about vitamins, minerals, and “bioactive components”? Do you think that it is important to take daily supplements in pill form or to consume excessive nutrients through food products? What adverse effects might these substances have on us over time? Is there any medicine or supplements that you would refuse to take? If so, why would you avoid them?

3. In contrast to modern practices, what “traditional” medical methods you have heard of? How do these traditional variants differ from treatment a person would receive in a hospital, for example? What is your personal impression about traditional medicine? What effects can these methods have on the human body, in a positive or negative way?

4. What are the pros and cons of modern vs. traditional medicine? Which methods do you think are safer and healthier, both for our bodies and for the surrounding environment? Do you think that people should have a choice of treatment methods, or should they be standardized? Would you participate in any healing methods that are not considered “mainstream”?

5. Do you know anything about “reflexology”? How does this therapy use pressure points to encourage healing? What is your definition of the word “healing”? Do you tend to associate this concept more with modern or traditional medicine? In addition to reflexology, what other methods of healing can a person attempt to perform on their own?

6. What is your opinion about medicine and the medical system in Ukraine? Do you think that many people participate in traditional medical practices here? In your opinion, are there any practices that should be revised or changed? If so, what steps can be taken to improve the medical system? How do you see the future of medical care around us?

Schedule: Thursday, 23 May at 5:30, Saturday, 25 May at 10:30

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