Wednesday, May 28, 2014

A Discussion on Memorial Day for Beginners

The English Club on Memorial Day for Beginners was organized on May 27, 2014 at Vinnytsia Window on America Center. We started with a discussion on 'Memorial Day' speaking more about a meaning of this holiday and giving more key words to have an ice breaker. 
Memorial Day is a federal holiday in the United States for remembering the men and women who died while serving in the country's armed forces. The holiday, which is celebrated every year on the last Monday of May, was formerly known as Decoration Day and originated after the American Civil War to commemorate the Union and Confederate soldiers who died in the war. By the 20th century, Memorial Day had been extended to honor all Americans who died while in the military service. It typically marks the start of the summer vacation season, while Labor Day marks its end. 
At the end the leader of this activity proposed to watch a movie "A Boy in the Striped Pyjamas" and discuss some points on a war.

A Discussion on 'Theater as Itself and Behind' (Reminder)

A Discussion with Natalia M. on 'Theater as Itself and Behind' 
on May 31, 2014 at 10.30 am
at WOA Center (Vinnytsia RUR Library named after K.A. Timiriazev)

A Discussion with Matt M. (Reminder)

You are invited for a discussion with Matt M.
When: May 29, 2014 at 5.30 pm.
Where: WOA Center (Vinnystia RUR Library named after K.A. Timiriazev)

Friday, May 23, 2014

A New Discussion with EU Volunteers

You are invited for the last meeting with Daphnee G. and Ula B. at WOA Center on May 24, 2014 at 10.30 am.
More: 56-27-44.

A Presentation for Handicapped Users at WOA Center


Thursday, May 22, 2014

A Discussion on 'Gifts and Presents' with Olha P.

  May 22, 2014
on ‘Gifts and Presents’
Leader: Olha P.
Ice-Breaker: Name the country to the following city:
  1. Washington, D.C. (the USA). 
  2. Naples (Italy).
  3. Liverpool (England).
  4. Sydney (Australia).
  5. Glasgow (Scotland).
  6. Hamburg (Germany).
  7. Amsterdam (the Netherlands).
  8. Birmingham (England).
  9. Dublin (Ireland).
  10. Dallas (the USA).
  11. Melbourne (Australia).
  12. Brisbane (Australia).
  13. Toronto (Canada).
  14. Ankara (Turkey).
  15. Milan (Italy).
  16. Belfast (Northern Ireland).
  17. Montreal (Canada).
  18. Cherkassy (Ukraine). 

1. What does the word ‘present’ mean? What are obligatory characteristics of a present? What is the best gift on your mind? How could presents be classified? How do they differ as those aimed for relatives, friends, acquaintances, etc.? Are there any universal presents? How do presents differ depending on a person’s sex or age (who gives and that who gets)?

2. What do you feel when giving and getting presents? What do you prefer? Is giving presents your own will or obligation? Have you ever given presents to a person you hardly know? Is it easier to find a proper gift for a stranger or someone you deal with every day?
3. Do you need special occasions necessary for giving presents? What are your statements or criteria for giving presents? Should flowers be given on every occasion? Do you prefer to present flowers to women or men too? Is it offensive for a man to get flowers? How do men react in your country and abroad?

4. Do you know any rules on giving presents? Are there any superstitions connected with it in your country or abroad? What things are unacceptable for proper presents? What presents are considered to be offensive? What is the best / the worth / the most expensive / the most confusing present you’ve ever got? Why?
5. How should a present be given? Do you prefer packed or unpacked presents? How do you express your opinion about just received gift? Are there any rules or ideas? Should a gift be unpacked immediately after getting? Do you like to do it in public? What to do with the present you don’t like? Have you ever got such presents? What have you done with them?
6. What do you think about giving presents to bosses by subordinates, to teachers by students, to adults by children, to the rich by the poor (and otherwise)? Have you ever experienced these situations? What is your opinion on it? Should you give presents back when argue with somebody? Why? Why not? Have you ever given your present back? 
Schedule: Saturday, May 24, 2014, 10.30 am – Daphnee G. and Ursula B. (The last meeting with EU Volunteers, you are invited).

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

A Discussion on 'Identity" with Matt M.

A New Discussion at the English Club with Volunteers

You are Invited:

A Discussion on "Gifts and Presents" with Olha P.
on May 22, 2014
at WOA Center (Vinnytsia RUR Library named after K.A. Timiriazev).

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The English Club for Beginners on McDonaldization

A Discussion on 'McDonaldization'
1. Ray Kroc, the genius of McDonald’s restaurants, was a man with big ideas and grand ambitions.
2. But even Kroc could not have anticipated the astounding impact of his creation.
3. McDonaldization affects not only the restaurant business but also education, work, health care, travel, leisure, dieting, politics, the family, and virtually every other aspect of society.
4. It shows the principles of the fast-food industry.
5. Other nations have developed their own variants of this American institution.
6. Paris has a large number of fast-food restaurants; the revered French bread has also been McDonaldized.
7. India has a chain of fast-food restaurants which sell mutton burgers (about 80 % of Indians are Hindus, who eat no beef) as well as local Indian cuisine.
8. ‘Mos Burgers’ is a Japanese chain with over 15 hundred restaurants that sell chicken burgers, rice burgers, and “Oshiruko with brown rice cake’. Russian Bistro, a Russian chain, sells traditional Russian fare such as pirogi (meat and vegetable pies), blini (thin pancakes), Cossack apricot curd tart, and, of course, vodka. 
9. McDonald’s is such a powerful model that many businesses have acquired nicknames beginning with Mc. Examples include “McDentists” and “McDoctors”, meaning drive-in clinics designed to deal quickly and efficiently with minor dental and medical problems.

Monday, May 19, 2014


The English Club's Session on McDonaldization and Fast Food Restaurants with Users on Wheelchairs

The topic of today's discussion at the English Club "Harmony" with users on wheelchairs is McDonaldization and fast food restaurants.

Ray Kroc, the genius behind the franchising of McDonald's restaurants, was a man with big ideas and grand ambitions. But even Kroc could not have anticipated the astounding impact of his creation. McDonald's is the basis of one of the most unfluential developments in contemporary society. We spoke about its reverberations far beyond its point of origin in the United States and in the fast food business, "McDentists" and "McDoctors", drive-in clinics designed to deal quickly and efficiently, McChild care centers", McMcStables, McPaper at today's English Club at the NGO Harmony with users on wheelchairs.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

New Users and New Volunteers

May Activities


Monday, May 12, 2014