Thursday, December 1, 2011

Living with Disabilities and Handicaps (International Day of People with Disabilities)

"Disabled People and How Successful are They in Our Society"
Today we will be watching part of the short documentary film, "Насамперед ми люди" (First of All, We are the People).
The United Nations has declared Saturday, 03 of December as International Day of Persons with Disabilities, “Together for a better world for all” ( 
Topic: Living with Disabilities and Handicaps
1. What is the difference between a disability and a handicap? Which one refers to a specific condition and which relates to a general impediment or state? Are disabilities strictly related to physical activity or do they involve mental capacity as well? 
2. Do you know anyone who has a disability? How does it affect his or her daily life?
3. How do disabilities alter others’ perceptions of people? How are people with handicaps and disabilities treated? Have you personally witnessed discrimination or stigma because of disabilities? Do you think people with disabilities are treated differently in other countries? 
4. How do you feel when you see someone who is disabled? How would you feel if you suddenly lost one of your senses, for example? Do disabilities affect people differently depending on when they began? Is there a difference between being born with a disability and acquiring one later in life?
5. How can someone “overcome” physical disabilities and discrimination? How do people with disabilities cope with potential stigma? Is there a way to diminish negative perceptions of disabilities and limit prejudice? 
6. Disabilities do not need to be an impediment. People with disabilities often lead “normal” lives and make positive impacts on others. What can each person do to help the cause, “Together for a better world for all”?
Saturday, 03 December at 10:30

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