Thursday, December 15, 2011

Superstitions in various countries

Fun Fact of the Day: “Ohio is listed as the 17th state in the U.S., but technically it is number 47. Until August 7, 1953, Congress forgot to vote on a resolution to admit Ohio to the Union” (

Sometimes the smallest things in life can cause offense. Below it is an introductory guide to superstitions in Ukraine and the USA, customs, and traditions you should be aware of to avoid embarrassing or insulting situations. Some of superstitions are based on common sense, while others may leave your feeling utterly baffled. So, let's discuss this topic together.
 Topic:  Superstitions
1. What are superstitions? Why do you think people have them? Do you think there is any truth behind superstitions?
2. Do you take superstitions seriously or do you think they are a waste of time? Have you ever been annoyed or aggravated by someone who stresses the importance of superstitions?
3. Who creates superstitions? Are they social constructions or moral guidelines in any way? How can they help or hurt people? Compare social constructions and moral guidelines. How could superstitions fit into each category? What else do they relate to?
4. What are some examples of superstitions that you believe in? What ones have you heard of that seem too unbelievable, unreal or fake?
5. How do superstitions vary across cultures? Do you think superstitions in Ukraine are different than those in the U.S.? If so, why and how do they differ?
6. How are they different from something that is seen as taboo? Can you think of examples of something that is taboo?
7. Many people consider superstitions as surreal constructions and a way to talk about unexplained events and to create social rules. What other examples of “the unexplained” can you think of? How can individuals such as psychics, fortunetellers, or those who make predictions based on star signs, for example, use superstitions? Who tends to believe in them the most?
Saturday 17 December at 10:30
Thursday 22 December at 5:30- Let me know if you’re interested in leading!

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