Saturday, December 3, 2011

How to Find Your Calling in Life (Matt Mozingo)

Everyone has a life's calling. Each person's calling is unique and distinctive and in alliance with personality traits and talents. Throughout your life, your calling surfaces over and over again, sometimes in obscure ways or in areas that you have ignored. Your calling may not be the most lucrative thing you had in mind and this is oftentimes one of the reasons why it is overlooked. When you operate in your calling, you will have a deep sense of peace and an overwhelming feeling of personal satisfaction. You will find that you are just one piece of a larger puzzle, and that your impact will felt by more than just you. Use the following steps to discover your life's calling.

Introduction Question:
Task with Partners
- What adventure would you like to go on in the future?
- Where would you go? What would you see and do?
- Where would you like to go on your next vacation?
Discussion Topic: CALLING
1. Do you think that you have a ‘calling’ in life? What do you think it is? When did you understand what you wanted to do in life?
2. Do you have a strong intuition? Do you have any examples of when your intuition was correct? Was your intuition ever wrong?
3. What was the most spontaneous thing you have ever done?
4. Do you think it’s better to think about the meaning of your life, or is it better just to live without worrying about such things?
5. Do you believe that love at first sight is possible? Why or why not?
6. Why are some people able to make major decisions about their lives very quickly, while other people need time to think over options? Which type of person are you?
Group Contest
Our Schedule
Thursday, December 8 – 17.30
Saturday, December 10 – 10.30
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