Saturday, November 9, 2013

A Discussion on "My Home is My Fortress" with Mykhailo G.

В Інформаційному Центрі "Вікно в Америку" /Вінницька ОУНБ ім. К.А. Тімірязєва/ відбулась зустріч на тему "Мій дім - моя фортеця". Учасники зустрічі мали можливість обговорити, що для кожного з них означає власний будинок, власне помешкання, одним словом 'home'. Для одних - це затишок, фортеця, місце переговорів та ночівлі, готель, де вони почуваються туристами, а для інших - це місце, де вони почуваються власниками, хазяїнами, королями, принцесами. А що для Вас Ваш власний дім чи навіть квартира? Дякуємо лідеру - Михайлу Г. - за ідею та творчий задум, а ще - за tasty чай/каву та створення особливої атмосфери. До зустрічі 14 листопада, 2013 о 17.30.
Fan Fact of the Day: The InTempo is a 47-storey skyscraper in Alicante Spain. But builders of this skyscraper forgot to install one useful detail to it. What detail was not constructed?
1. What is ‘HOME’ for you? How do you feel yourself when you come back home after a hard working day and say «At last I am at home»? What do you think about the meaning of the following words «feel like home»? 
2. Are you a boss, a principal ruler, a king or a queen, a sheriff or a prosecutor, «Fidel Castro in your Cuba», an anarchist or a careful keeper at your home? Do you agree with a statement «Your Home Tells the Story of Who You Are»? Does your house reflect who you really are? 
3. Does our success in business depend on a current «weather» at home? There is an opinion that some kind of work regarding a house refers to a male duty but others to female one. Where does the truth lie? 
4. What is your choice? Do you choose to buy your own apartment/house or rent it? At what age is it better to have your own dwelling? Do you agree with the words from the Ukrainian folk song: «Постав хату з лободи, а в чужую не веди»? 
5. What important benefits should apartment/house have (electricity, running water, gas supplement, a close location to your workplace, absence of any penetration, a modern architectonic style, a reliable construction, a flush toilet, etc.)? 
6. Do you like to equip or even design your apartment/house in a traditional way? Or do you prefer to construct a multifunctional place where you can make even some trainings or a party? How often should our houses be remodeled? Do you often change your design? Do you take into account suggestions that help you reduce energy consumption and protect your health? Do you use hazardous materials in your house reconstructions? 
7. Try to guess what it is in these envelopes. 4 (or even 5) years ago many banks in the USA got it from their clients. The bank employees could hear metal buzzing when shaking these envelopes?
8. There are a lot of homeless people in the world ‘cause of credits still unpaid for their houses. What do you think about this situation? Do you know how to protect yourself nowadays in order to avoid it?

Task: Please, choose one of the pictures below that suits you the most. How are you going to spend your time there?
Schedule: Thursday 14, 2013, Saturday 16, 2013 (Jacqueline S.)
Facebook: ‘Window on America’ in Vinnytsia, a blog -

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