Thursday, May 3, 2012

English Club on Discrimination

Topic: Discrimination
Fun Fact of the Day: “Martin Luther King, Jr., was originally named Michael, like his father. When Jr. was 5, his Dad changed both their names to Martin” (
Discrimination is the act of showing differences in favor of or against a person, group of people, a certain class, or based on one’s race, religion or ethnicity. It is dealing with a certain human being according to preconceived notions, as opposed to on their personal intrinsic worth. The act includes shutting out, restricting, denouncing or stopping an individual from a class from the ability to have a number of possibilities or benefits obtainable and made available to another. The expression "discrimination" developed from its usage during the American Civil War as a expression indicating bias against a person dependent exclusively based on their racial background. The expression is later widened to cover being affiliated with a specific, perceived unworthy group or social category. Discrimination has played a sad role in the extended history of human civilization. Let's discuss this topic together with a leader Dmytro Savratsky.
1. What is discrimination? What are the reasons for discrimination? What kinds of discrimination can you see in our society: chauvinism, ageism, homophobia, racism, gender discrimination, etc.?
2. Does discrimination really exist or is it a social construction? How is it formed? How is it perpetuated?
3. Do “others” or “foreigners” automatically come across as dangerous in our society? How are people who are considered “outsiders” typically treated?
4. Does appearance lead to discrimination? How can physical disabilities, height, weight, facial features, and the color of skin lead to discrimination? What is a “white raven”?
5. Do you think that any type of discrimination reflects the desire of certain social groups to eliminate other discriminated groups within a society? Can whole groups turn on each other in a cycle of further exploitation or discrimination?
6. What can you personally do to stop discrimination? Can it ever really be prevented? Should we try to fight to end discrimination or should we personally act in a moral way, hoping to set an example for others through our actions?
Saturday, 05 May at 10:30
Thursday, 10 May at 5:30

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