Saturday, October 22, 2011

Are there any differences between different countries?

Introduction Question: What was the worst food you have ever eaten? Why was it so bad?
Task with Partners
Together with your partner try to think of 3 ways that American people and Ukrainian people are the same, and 3 ways in which they are different.
This time the participants of English-Speaking Club had an opportunity to speak on similarities and differences between Americans and Ukrainians. It gave a space for a great discussion 'cause a lot of Club's members have their own view and of course experience just to express their thoughts. 
The United States and Ukraine are very different in culture, probably because of the difference in location. The United States of America is a country of many cultures mixed in one. The main reason for this is immigration. It has many religions, many languages spoken, and many ethnic beliefs. Some religions, languages or beliefs, may be more frequently spoken or believed then others, but in general the United States has a wide variety of culture. On the other hand, Ukraine, which is a country much smaller then the United States, has basically one culture which is a unique culture all in its own. They basically have one language, one religion, and one kind of belief system. Ukrainians are more sensitive and romantic that has a great influence on art of this country.
The following points were discussed: relationship, friendship, a way in discussion and confrontation, a civil society, social and community problems, childhood and a system of education, school / university life, cultural differences, sport activities, health, "losers - winners" in both types of a society, etc. 
These two countries vary from one another, at many different aspects of culture, but as much as they differ from one another there are some similarities between both countries.
Discussion Topic:  Revenge
1. Have you ever wanted to get revenge in your life? Did you do it?
2. Why do you think that it is important for people to get revenge when someone does something to them?
3. For you, what is the best revenge against someone who has done something to you?
4. There is an old saying in English, "turn-about is fair play". How do you understand this saying? Do you agree with it?
Our Schedule: Thursday, October 27 - 17-30; Saturday, October 29 - 10-30
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