Thursday, March 1, 2012

What do you think about cultures in Ukraine and the U.S.?

Topic: Culture and Cultural Differences
Fun Fact: "In 21 U.S. states, Walmart is the single largest employer" (
They are so different 'cause of various nations but both of them have glasses through which they perceive this world. How can cultural background affect relationships? Do people from different cultures always get along? Can these interactions be interesting or exciting? It was a topic of discussion at Vinnytsia English Club with PC Volunteer Mila as a leader (March, 1 2012). Can you think of interesting examples of cultural differences or culture shock? Discuss this topic with us. 
Culture: the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively; cumulative deposits of knowledge, experience, beliefs, values, attitudes, and customs; shared consciousness.
1. What defines a culture? For example: music, language, history, and traditions all play a part. What else contributes to the formation and perpetuation of culture? Many things vary across cultures. As a popular phrase says, when in Rome "do as the Romans do". How do different cultures affect our lives on a daily basis? How should we act when around those of their cultures or in different countries?
2. Can you describe some general cultural attributes here in Ukraine? What do you think about culture in the U.S.? Are they monocultures or multi-cultural societies? What cultural aspects has Ukraine adopted from other places? What do you think other cultures have adopted from Ukraine?
3. How can cultural background affect friendships and relationships?  Do people from different cultures always get along? Can these interactions be interesting or exciting?
4. Cultural differences can lead to interesting discussions, disagreements, or even problems. Do you think it is better for people to generally stay in their home countries rather than migrate to other ones? Can you ever successfully integrate into another culture or spread your cultural values in different country?
5. What is culture shock? Have you ever experienced culture shock or reverse culture shock? Have you ever been surprised or confused by the actions of someone from another culture?
6. Can you think of interesting examples of cultural differences or culture shock? Ideas: politeness, directness in speech or actions, physical customs such as body art or piercings, gestures like hand shaking or eye contact, manners at meals or in conversations, etc.

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